Six Tips For Building Brand Loyalty
They say the success of our businesses often depends on the frequency at which we keep in touch with our customers. You may be wondering who “they” are, those mythical beings that impart wisdom on the rest of us. In this case, the identity of “they” is not as important – because “they” are right!…
7 Tips to Boost the Clarity of Your Personal Brand
Whether they’re right or not, people form impressions of your personal brand based on the way you write – from emails, to web profiles, to proposals to cover letters. Today we’ll go over seven tips to improve your writing skills.
Impressions form fastReaders assume that if your…
Writing is sloppy: You don’t care about…Personal Brands: UCLA Wants You
On Saturday and Sunday, April 17 and 18, I am producing the first ever Personal Branding Bootcamp on the UCLA campus. The program director of UCLA Business & Management Extension called to say the event is almost full, so if you want to come, we’d love to have you – but please hurry and register.…
Personal Branding Interview: Elaine Meryl Brown
Today, I spoke to Elaine Meryl Brown, who is the coauthor of The Little Black Book of Success, and is the Vice President of Special Marketing in Creative Services at HBO. In this interview, Elaine talks about how to handle corporate politics, some successful networking strategies that she’s used to meet executives, how you can …
The Must Have Skill Sets For the New World
What are the skills that you will need to have in the new economy? If you’ve ever wondered what some of these skills are, this post is for you.
Skill sets for the new world1.) Social media and Web 2.0 know how:
To understand how social media and Web 2.0 are changing industries gives …
Above All, Your Voice Matters
There comes a point in life when you need to pick up an old book and refresh the ideas that changed the world. I picked up the Cluetrain Manifesto last night and read through a couple key chapters.
First off, I love the book. I read it when it came out a couple of years …
Can You Put a Value on Virtual Relationships?
More and more relationships are being developed online first. It’s true for professional networking, as it is for dating. People are connecting with “the right” people online before they connect offline these days. The reason for this change is the evolution of first impressions, the amount of background information available to us with a click …
You Need to Become a Personal Brand Talent Scout
Finding the right talent is a difficult task, just ask any headhunter. One thing that everyone forgets is that we are all in the “talent scouting” and “recruiting” business now. From building out your personal brand board of advisers to surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals, you need to be talent scout if you want to …
Legitimizing Your Lackluster LinkedIn
Over the last few years LinkedIn has evolved to play a central role in professional networking and relationship building. I’ve come to find it very disappointing when I see a profile that looks like it was thrown together in 20 minutes, doesn’t have much thought put in to it, or is clearly overdue for an …
I Would Rather Shoot at Fish in a Barrel
This is not a new idea but I think it needs reinforcement in the world of personal branding. The idea is the concept of location based social networking and small being the new BIG.
Chris Brogan has a post that further enforces my idea that SMALL is the new BIG in Social Media. His post …