Above All, Your Voice Matters
There comes a point in life when you need to pick up an old book and refresh the ideas that changed the world. I picked up the Cluetrain Manifesto last night and read through a couple key chapters.
First off, I love the book. I read it when it came out a couple of years …
Can You Put a Value on Virtual Relationships?
More and more relationships are being developed online first. It’s true for professional networking, as it is for dating. People are connecting with “the right” people online before they connect offline these days. The reason for this change is the evolution of first impressions, the amount of background information available to us with a click …
You Need to Become a Personal Brand Talent Scout
Finding the right talent is a difficult task, just ask any headhunter. One thing that everyone forgets is that we are all in the “talent scouting” and “recruiting” business now. From building out your personal brand board of advisers to surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals, you need to be talent scout if you want to …
Legitimizing Your Lackluster LinkedIn
Over the last few years LinkedIn has evolved to play a central role in professional networking and relationship building. I’ve come to find it very disappointing when I see a profile that looks like it was thrown together in 20 minutes, doesn’t have much thought put in to it, or is clearly overdue for an …
I Would Rather Shoot at Fish in a Barrel
This is not a new idea but I think it needs reinforcement in the world of personal branding. The idea is the concept of location based social networking and small being the new BIG.
Chris Brogan has a post that further enforces my idea that SMALL is the new BIG in Social Media. His post …
4 Rules of Personal Brand Relationships
If your personal brand is the tip of a glacier above water, then a strong network is the large bottom part of the glacier underneath the water. What I mean is that one of the main purposes of building a well-known personal brand is to be able to connect with people around you who have …
Personal Branding Interview: Donald Asher
Today, I spoke to Donald Asher, who is the author of How to Get Any Job, a national speaker on careers, and a contributor to the Wall Street Journal, MSN Encarta, and USAirways Magazine. Donald talks about his top ways to get a job, if it’s possible to get a job without using the internet, …
Personal Brands: How to Think Your Way to Fortune and Fame
Would you drop out (or drop in) to think for a living? How about for $90,000 over 6 months? That would cover your stint as an “entrepreneur in residence” aka EIR. This job does exist. In fact a legion of companies with EIR positions compete for people who think of great ideas. Silicon Valley’s most …
4 Step Personal Branding With Google Buzz
Google Buzz has been talked about nonstop since it came out, from Fox News to NPR and back again. Stories typically range from security flaws to tips on how to best use the new social network. Buzz is Google’s current attempt to have a social network and compete against the likes of Facebook. What’s different …
HOW TO: Write Your 60-Second Elevator Pitch
Everyone (myself included) is telling you to go out there and network. But, what do you plan to say to people while you’re networking? (For the uninitiated, networking is not merely retaining as many business cards as possible from other people in the span of an hour.)
Who are you?This is the first question …