Trend Watch: The Decentralization and Decline of Marketing Departments
Over the course of the past two weeks, I’ve given a lot of thought to the future of marketing in organizations, both small and large. Social media’s influence on marketing is extraordinary and reminds us yet again that we all have to be the marketers of our personal brands, as well as our corporate brands.…
Road to Me 2.0: The Ultimate Personal Business Card Revealed
For the release of my new book and to capture everything I do in the personal branding world, I had new business cards made. It costs about $170 to get 1,000 double-sided, color, 12 pt thick, glossy business card. One side is the cover of my book and the other has my picture, with my …
Road to Me 2.0: My First Video Interview For the Book
Recently, I was interviewed by Rick Burnes of Hubspot about my upcoming book, Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success. As of today, my book is doing very well on pre-orders, ranking #26 on Amazon for job hunting bestsellers, #54 for web marketing and #70 e-commerce. I want to thank everyone for …
2009 Personal Branding Predictions
I’m very surprised that no one has posted about their predictions for 2009 yet. I’ve seen a lot of “best of 2008 posts,” but no predictions! One can only assume that you will see a flurry of posts in the next couple of weeks, as thought leaders are trying to make predictions for next …
College Students Require Personal Branding Classes
One of my visions is to have a “personal branding class” in every college and university in the world. It is my hope that my book will become the text book. I look at college students right now and feel sorry for many of them, who haven’t gained knowledge in branding. They are all at …
The Road to Me 2.0: Be the Commander of Your Career
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I’ve been patiently waiting for months to tell you my main message in Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success. I’ll be speaking about this message for the rest of my life and it flows throughout my entire book, as well as all my forthcoming presentations. …
The Road to Me 2.0: Presentation at MIT and Book Cover Revealed!
I’ve been thinking about when to start promoting my book, and let’s face it, I already have. The one big detail I haven’t revealed is the cover or the structure of the book. The official title of my book is called “Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success.” I’ve spoke about how …
Interviewed by BusinessWeek and Entrepreneur Within 4 Days!
I’m truly honored to be in the position I’m in right now and thank you all for your support, as we evangelize personal branding and spread these ideas to the masses. When you start building your brand, don’t demand immediate results, but rather work as hard as you can to position yourself for the future. …
The Road to Me 2.0: Why I Decided to Write this Book
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I’m starting to enjoy this series of posts on my new book. It really gives me a chance to give you some background and context before you start reading it. I’ve told you how I got my book deal and why I was the chosen one. Now it’s time …
The Road to Me 2.0: How I Was the Chosen One
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My first post talked about how I got the idea to write Me 2.0 and how I confronted adversity head-on to claim my publishing deal with Kaplan. Today, I’m going to enlighten you on a few coincidences that are ironic and really set the stage for the future (and …