The Balance Myth
Being able to achieve a balance between work and personal life has gained much awareness recently. With more individuals seeking to create separation between a productive business profession and an enjoyable personal life, more individuals are looking to create a life that is meaningful to them, and that caters to their professional and personal needs.…
Why You Need a Sponsor More than a Mentor
A sponsor is a mentor on steroids. A mentor gives you advice, encouragement and direction. A sponsor advocates for you. Or, to use Sheryl Sandberg’s term – your sponsor “leans in” for you. Your sponsor doesn’t just help you the way a mentor would by making a few calls, helping you prepare for a meeting …
Hiring Opposite Keirsey Temperaments to Grow Your Company
The problem most people have when hiring new employees is the tendency to hire people just like themselves. Engineering firms that need a marketer look for engineering-types with marketing experience. Creative types who need someone to manage the office look for other creatives who have operations experience.
It’s a problem for many leaders — they …
So You’re Accepted to College: Now Learn to Leverage It!
Almost every college applicant experiences waves of excitement, anxiety and even some fear while waiting to hear if you have been accepted to college. Most parents share in their childrens’ anxiety and feel a huge sense of relief when at long last, the thick envelope arrives and enclosed is the golden ticket from college admissions…congratulations, …
Debunking Personal Brand Cultural Myths: Part 4
This is the final part of a 4-part series sharing ‘myths’ of personal branding. While these myths are typical within Japanese culture, they can easily be debunked in other cultures around the world as well. Make sure to also read about myth #1, “I have to give up my group identity,” myth #2, “Personal branding …
Minding your P’s and Q’s
When interacting with others we’ve always been told to mind our p’s and q’s. Well. maybe not always. But, when you were going to grandma’s house your mom probably told you to mind your p’s and q’s and expected a certain modicum of behavior from you.
Minding your p’s and q’s is still true … …
Are You Scared of Your Boss?
Maybe it’s Hollywood, or stories from friends, mentors and parents, but it seems that a majority of us get nervous (or at least a little edgy) when we are “called into the boss’ office?”
It’s not a new thing either, but one that has probably gone back for generations when subjects were called in front …
The Simple Way to Attract a Great Job Offer
It’s simple to get the right offer. Literally. You must make it simple for us to find you, get to know you, invite you to interview and finally, make the offer. That means, you are:
Simple to understand.
Simple to like.
Simple to find.
The principle of simplicity is never more in play than in …
Are You Your Past or Are You Your Future?
As a career coach, I’ve heard many of my clients start with, “Well, I want to do something totally different from what I’ve done so far.” This attitude indicates that you are ready for change. That you want to find a new path because you either don’t like where you are right now or you …
Branding Your Linkedin Profile For Job Search
Your Linkedin profile and your resume are each used differently by employers and used for different purposes.
However, I get asked all the time if making your Linkedin profile identical to your resume is a wise idea. Linkedin must think it is … since they have an app that automatically loads your profile data into …