Why is Clutter Better than a Clean Desk?
We all love sunny weather. And yet, at least here, in the Pacific Northwest, when the clouds part and the sun appears, people start squinting and reaching for sunglasses. We can obviously see clearer in cloudy weather.
That got me thinking. I always aimed for a clean desk, organized papers, emptied Inbox, and scheduled appointments …
Personal Branding Weekly – 27 May 2013
Many will greet you today saying “Happy Memorial Day”. There will be barbecues, fun in the sun, beach time and some great picnics planned. Memorial Day is a time to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Take a few minutes away from your fun in the sun to remember the brave men and women …
Working From Home – A Guide to Virtual Employment
To be able to ace an interview for a remote a.k.a. work from home position, as a job seeker it’s recommended that you take a different approach to the interviewing process when compared with applying for an in-office position.
The reason for the change in strategy is primarily due to the thought processes, concerns and …
Avoid Moving Home After You Graduate With NO JOB!
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning. — Albert Einstein
In order to achieve success when you graduate, you need to start college off on the right foot. For those of you who hope to graduate in four years and have a degree that will …
GetGlue and GoodReads Don’t Promote Your Brand
I hate GetGlue, even though I have an account. And I don’t use my GoodReads account except to keep track of books I want to read when I don’t have my little notebook handy.
Why? Why do I dislike these two wildly popular social networks?
Because they promote doing nothing so you can tell people …
You Cannot Keep Up a Façade for Three Years
If you are looking for a job. Don’t put up a facade and hope that you’ll eventually come to terms with what you have resigned yourself to do. Don’t do it. Just don’t.
If you are in a job that is not your ideal job. Don’t fake it. Your best work will not come through. …
The Internet Black Hole
It seems logical, doesn’t it, to focus your job search effort toward applying for jobs online? With millions of jobs posted on over 10,000 job boards, you could apply 24/7/365. You could even apply without having to brush your teeth or change out of your pajamas!
Unfortunately, over 99% of online job applications do not …
Putting the You in Business Dealings
People respond positively to other relatable people. A recent study in the Journal of Consumer Research found that advertisements that appealed to a specific emotion fared better than those with a celebrity endorsement. In a nutshell, the researchers discovered that an advertisement with an average man proposing to his girlfriend got a stronger response from …
Questions Your Mentor Should Ask You
When you seek out a mentor, you may mistakenly want a cheerleader or supportive therapist. But, in a mentor: you need a leader. A person who can tell you the brutal truth, and expect you are strong enough to keep your unwavering faith.
A mentor is the person who creates a way for you to …
How Can You Benefit From Multitasking?
Where do you stand when it comes to multitasking? You may see multitasking as a way of life in today’s reality, or you may see multitasking as a myth: as something people believe they can do, but really can’t. Well, one way or another I agree with you.
Writing a report while listening to my …