Is Your Daily Routine Killing Motivation?
A long list of have-to-do’s both personally and professionally, day in and day out, tends to dampen motivation. The second factor involved is your comfort level. Being comfortable prevents many from taking a leap forward. The question then becomes whether you are truly content and happy with where you are at, or deep down, do …

Questions to Answer Before Going to Graduate School
Whether you are a new graduate or a working professional who wants to make a career change, going to graduate school may be an option for you. It can also be the next step if you want to be a lawyer, doctor or professor. While going to graduate school can be a very fulfilling experience, …

Get to Know Your Worth… With Tech
You may recall a time, not too long ago, when we talked about showing your worth for the betterment of your career. Yet and still, in order to do that, it is necessary to know and understand what you’re worth in the grand scheme of things. This hasn’t always been easy. However, there is a …

If In Doubt Map It Out
What do you do when you’re trying to understand something?
Do you gather data?
Do you phone a friend?
Or do you get a pen and paper and write it down?
If you’re really trying to understand something sometimes it makes sense to write it down. This is especially true for kinesthetic learners. The act …

The Theory of BRANDarchy
Welcome to the world where we constantly discuss branding. And while the name of this site certainly refers to personal branding, in particular, the parallels between this and corporate branding should not be ignored. To illustrate this, let me introduce a concept that you may or may not have heard of–one that you can use …

6 Ways to Increase Efficiency and Focus
Business moves at supersonic speed. While technology has facilitated easier communication and information gathering, it has also ushered in a new economy in which the common worker can be more readily replaced by technological advancements than ever before.
The option to utilize advanced algorithms, data visualization and robotics as opposed to human assistance has become …

Five of the Best Mothers Little Helpers
In honor of Mother’s Day.
This post is a reminder of the things we learned from our mothers.
Some are big and some are little, but they are things we can take away as Mothers Little Helpers. As I wrote this I thought of a lot of things I learned from my mother and worked …

Titles Do Not Matter in Career
People work to earn money and make a living. That is the reality. If you don’t earn money, you cannot fulfill your basic needs such as shelter, food and clothing. However, how much you make or how fancy your title is should not be measures for qualifying your success in your career. What really matters …

Your Brand is About the Feels
When it comes to building a brand, business or personal, there are many elements that must be considered in order to assemble it correctly. Such elements are separated into two categories: intellectual and emotional. And while the intellectual elements should, by no means, be diminished, when you think about the power branding actively holds, it …

Show Your Worth
When it comes to you as a person and your brand, society in general tends to declare that characteristics such as humility, or even reticence, are best. And while no one truly likes a conceited know-it-all, I am here to assert that displaying that you are knowledgeable in your industry is something that we all …