Why You Should Prioritize Learning Over Performance
Standards set the bar for achievement, and in business, that bar raises and shifts position. No wonder professionals often burnout — they’re competing in a rat race, never making it out of the maze. Work culture must move from a focus on performance to a focus on learning.
The prioritization of performance over learning persists …

You Are Your Assumptions
Everyone does it.
Everyone allows their biases into their thought processes. Both the conscious and unconscious biases.
It’s human nature.
Don’t beat yourself up over it.
Just remember… You are your assumptions.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. At least not forever and for everything. You can take a proactive role in seeking …

Know When to Move On
Recently I was talking with a few friends at Microsoft.
They had all done something that might seem a little crazy.
They resigned from their current positions.
They moved on!
Prompting me to wonder…
When is the right time to move on?
Asking this question is important. It’s important to think about moving on. It’s …

Are We Negotiating?
The simple answer is yes.
The slightly more complex answer is always.
As noted in this post I wrote about Microsoft’s Kati Quigley and her thoughts on Everyday Negotiation it is not necessary to be a natural born negotiator.
Some people are born this way. If you happen to be one of them … congratulations. …

So, You Want to Be a Futurist?
Where do you start?
How do you know when you’re done?
This second question is supposed to be funny. I hope you at least smiled.
I think the best way to start is by reading and watching what known and renowned futurists in your industry are doing. Also, by diving deep into areas where you …

Work The Problem
In the movie and the book “The Martian“ the main character Mark Watney has a running monologue with himself where he says a lot of things to help us, the reader and viewer, to be able to follow along. He talks about being a Space Pirate and flying like Ironman and that space does not …

Upskill Your Career with Educational Online Platforms
Upskilling is for everyone. Whether you want to expand your skillset or change your career completely, you need to continue improving yourself and keep your skills up-to-date. Thanks to the internet, nowadays anyone can gain knowledge on any subject they wish. There are many great educational platforms for this. Below you can find 5 of …

Ways to Feel Energized at Work
With the January blues, we can feel in the office that our energy levels are down and it may take more time to finish the same tasks because we feel reluctant. However, there are several hints to always maintain a high energy and stay productive. Below are some ways to recharge ourselves and feel energized.…

Three Ways to Avoid Self Sabotage
There are times in our careers where we accidentally and sometimes intentionally set ourselves up for failure. At these moments of self sabotage there are a lot of reasons why you may be doing this: some may be psychological while others might have more deeply rooted issues related to them. I’m not going to try …

My Most Popular Blog Posts of 2017
This week, I wanted to list my post popular blog posts of 2017. These posts also got republished in some other news sites or blogs and got shared a few thousand times. If you didn’t have an opportunity to read these posts before, now is the perfect time. Below you can find the top 5 …