Love Your Job? Put an Exit Plan in Place.
When you hate your job, you often think about leaving it. But when you are happy with your work putting an exit plan into place seems somewhat bizarre. Nevertheless, smart employees should always be prepared to quit their job tomorrow.
The reason is that the future is always unknowable. Just because your job satisfaction is …
3 Ways Being a Bookworm Translates to Career Success
Reading may have traditionally been seen as one of life’s great pleasures, but in the age of smartphones, game consoles and Netflix, amusing oneself with blocks of unmoving text has become increasingly unappealing. Amongst American adults, 1 in 4 read no books at all.
But books are important. They fire our imagination and immerse us …
Mind the Gap from FOMO to Overflow
One of the more popular buzz words of the last couple of years has been FOMO. It’s kind of run it’s course, but there is still a lingering effect of FOMO in some areas.
In case you missed it (pun intended) … FOMO is the Fear Of Missing Out
It’s that manic state where you …
5 Famous Productivity Mantras That Will Ruin Your Career
For many of us, business and busyness go hand-in-hand. Modern workers are constantly bemoaning the conundrum of having to get ever-more done in ever-less time. In this atmosphere, it is hardly surprising that legions of productivity-boosting hints & tips have proliferated. Each latest incarnation promises us a sure-fire route to To-Do List Zero, if we …
Objections Lead to Success
Upon hearing, ‘that’s not what we’re looking for’ most people stop in their tracks. They don’t know how to respond in meetings. Consequently, these folks leave the room as quickly as possible. All hope for a beneficial outcome disappears, but this could be turned around with the right conversational strategy.
Objections are another type of …
Using The SSK Model to Be More Productive
How do you know when a project is succeeding?
What is your tool of choice when determining project status?
Here is a really simple tool to help you think about any project – whether it’s personal, for work, for community engagement, or anything else.
It’s not heavily scientific and that’s the beauty of it.
It’s …
Increase Your Possibility Pipeline
Job seekers, salespeople, and entrepreneurs will occasionally face the uncertainty of an uphill battle. Most often that skirmish takes place in the form of self-talk. Those astute in observing facial expressions and body language will spot the inferior self-confidence long before a conversation ever begins. It is the negative thought that will prevent one from …
Give ’em Something To React To
If you want to get ahead in your career. If you want to stand out in your career.
Use this one tip.
Give people something to react to.
That’s it!
When your manager asks for something … give them something to react to. It will help them know you have thought about the project. It …
What to Do When You Consider a Work Task Unethical
Would you do something you thought was an unethical task?
What about if your job was on the line?
The Milgram Experiment became famous for indicating that people obey authority figures regardless of the awfulness of their instructions, but amongst younger worker, at least, this no longer seems to be the case. A recent Deloitte …
Benefits of Working Overseas
Have you ever considered living in another country? Do you know what to do if you are presented with such an opportunity? Moving to a different country is not easy because it requires you to get out of your comfort zone. However, it helps you to develop new skills and gain new experiences. Below you …