The Questions Every Entrepreneur Needs To Ask
When an entrepreneur decides to enter the workforce, they need to ask themselves many questions in order to determine if they are going to be a solid fit in joining a company. Here are some questions all entrepreneurs need to ask themselves. If they answer yes to over 50% of the questions, they could be …
Five Email Oversights That Kill Your Brand
Sometimes, with the pressure to do a good job on the big things – close the sale, deliver the code, solve the problem – we overlook the little things along the way, and destroy the very brand we are trying to create.
I knew I had to write this blog thirty minutes ago when I …
Personal Branding 24/7: You’re Always On
As the number of users exponentially grows on social networks, the demand for every single person to have their own “air time” increases. We will constantly have to work harder to become known and remembered now and in the future. If I don’t see your face online every day, then I forget about you when …
Book Excerpt: Marketing Lessons From the Grateful Dead
The following is an excerpt from David Meerman Scott and Brian Halligan’s new book called Marketing Lessons From the Grateful Dead: What Every Business Can Learn from the Most Iconic Band in History (Wiley, August 2010). They are both friends of mine and people who I admire and respect in the marketing space. David is …
Personal Branding Interview: Roy S. Johnson
Today, I spoke to Roy S. Johnson, who is the VP/ Editor-in-Chief of Men’s Fitness magazine and, the nation’s premier fitness publication and website for men. His latest article for’s health vertical is called “Want to Succeed at Work and in Life? Get Off Your Butt!” In this interview, Roy talks about how …
Working on Your Brand Delivers Cutting Edge Skills
A successful personal brand differentiates you as a dynamic, growing professional, so it evolves along with market demands (employer requirements) and your growing skills. When your skills keep current with changing market demands, your brand stays relevant and you maximize your earnings potential. From a practical POV, this demands an objective way to track relentlessly …
Are We There Yet?
This is the mantra of younger kids and people networking – online and offline. Impatient for results, they wonder why no one’s responding, why won’t they retweet me, where’s my traffic and if I put a status update out there and no one comments on it am I being heard?
Questions like: How long does …
Do People Like Your Personal Brand?
How much people like you will have a direct impact on your career and almost everything you do, but being liked is a relative thing.
True storyAt a former company of mine, there was an engineer who was overwhelmed with work. We’ll call him Tom. This 8-year veteran of the IT department – his …
Personal Branding Interview: Jane Buckingham
Today, I spoke to Jane Buckingham, who is the President of Trendera, a generational expert, and author of her latest book called The Modern Girl’s Guide to Sticky Situations. She is also the wife of Marcus Buckingham, who appeared on the cover of Personal Branding Magazine in the seventh issue. In this interview, Jane talks …
Branding Has To Be Part Of A Career Success Plan
In a less secure professional world than anyone has ever known, you need a tougher, more pragmatic approach to managing your professional life. It’s time to stop thinking of yourself simply as a job title and an employee, because this point-of-view has you psychologically shackled to entities that can, and will, dispose of your services …