Real Salaries of 2011: What to Expect in 2012
Considering a new career? Before you jump into a new industry or profession, read this. From personal chefs to commercial pilots, corrections officers and celebrity realtors, here’s what they actually made last year.
Personal chefs to plastic surgeonsAllison, a PA-based personal chef, $55,000
Angela, Social Media Manager, $42,000
AnneMarie, Newspaper Reporter, $26,000
Cindy, Elementary …
Above All Else, Your Personal Brand is a Story
People love stories.
Humans learn most effectively through stories.
Friends are made by sharing stories.
Sales are closed through stories.
You are missing out on the value of your personal brand if it isn’t a story.
Stories are one of the most effective forms of social currency. They build powerful connections between ideas, people and …
8 LinkedIn Secrets That Are Staring You in the Face
LinkedIn is one of those networks that has so much going on that, unless you can devote several hours a week to its use, you’re not really using it to its fullest extent. As a job seeker, here are eight secrets you can use to help find your next job (or the one after that) …
How to Destroy Your Career
Feelings, sometimes nothing more than feelings, define a brand, including a personal brand. What about yours?
The seven deadly sins of career building:
There’s more of course, but that list is a really good start.
Here’s the thing. You never intended for those sins to show up in …
Google vs. Facebook Mark: Google Loses the Battle
Social media’s space has become so crowded that CNBC now has a Social Media stock analyst whose entire specialty are the social media stocks. Groupon, LinkedIn, Google and the closely watched upcoming Facebook IPO including commentary on its pre-IPO private market performance.
Goliath Google launches +Google launched it’s own social network, Google+, in July …
Why Patience Kills
If Disneyland is the happiest place on earth, than emotion must be an integral factor in successful branding. Coke would like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony, so the warm fuzzy feeling of connection – not fizzy water and syrup must be the bigger attraction there. Nike with its whoosh of freedom …
Your Personal Brand is Not About You
Its a personal brand, so it should be all about you, right?
Your accomplishments. Your history. Your personality. Your unique perspective.
Right? Wrong.
If your personal brand is all about you, no one is going to care.
You will be ignored. People will yawn.
Your personal brand needs to answer WHY: Why do they care?…The Day The Spotlight Is On You
Many of us grew up in more or less protected environments, surrounded by the love and company of family and neighbors who knew us well. We effortlessly built up a network of friends and schoolmates as we progressed through the educational ranks until the time came to join the workforce. In this scenario, and especially …
Expand Your Brand Like Michael Jackson
Have you seen Michael Jackson’s “This Is It” movie? What an inside view into the artist that Michael Jackson truly was on, and off, stage. Before I saw this movie, again recently on TV, I was blind to the deep talent Jackson held.
Group to solo artistIn ’77, after 14 years and 14 albums …
Job Seekers: Enhance Your Brand by Showing Your Skills
The job search isn’t what it used to be. That’s for sure.
In fact, with hundreds of applicants for every job opening, the tactics that yield job offers have changed dramatically.
In part because of the volume and in part because of the competition, job seekers that stand out – job seekers whose personal brands …