Category: Job Search

Job SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Mastering the Under-Share on LinkedIn

Everything you say is being recorded.

Be careful what you share.

How to make sure you don’t share everything, every time … on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn by default will share everything you post with everyone in your network. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but as you start to build your network and grow your reputation …

Before Applying for a Job, Audit Your Online Presence and Social Media Accounts
Job SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

Top Hard Skills That Will Get You Hired Fast

LinkedIn recently announced the hottest skills of 2015 which got people hired. LinkedIn found this data by analyzing all of the hiring and recruiting activity that occurred on its website in 2015.

Cloud and Distributed Computing: 2015 was the year of cloud and it is no surprise to see that cloud and distributed computing is…
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Choosing the Right Mentor
Communication & NetworkingFuturesJob SearchRelationships & Personal Growth

Occupations with the Most Job Growth by 2024

If you want to start over your career or change jobs or help your children shape their careers, below you can find the jobs with the most growth in the next few years. Apparently healthcare professionals will still be high in demand but other professionals such as accountants and software developers will be needed too.…