Category: Job Search

Brand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentJob SearchPersonal Branding

Why Do You Brand Yourself As A Desperate Candidate?

Few of us would brand ourselves as desperate on purpose. But many job seekers brand themselves as desperate without even knowing it.

Many traditional “tried and true” job search tactics can brand you as desperate today.

Why are tactics that used to be commonly accepted (even appreciated), now considered as desperation moves?

When the job …

Job SearchPersonal Branding Show ‘em Your ‘Hand,’ They’ll Show You Theirs

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a website that featured all, or nearly all, the pertinent information you would like to know about a potential employer, i.e., salaries paid, benefits, overall level of employee satisfaction, CEO approval rating, etc.? And, wouldn’t it be even greater if this company information came primarily from input provided …