Pros and Cons to Following Your Boss on Social
A growing group of human resources staffs are turning to social media to determine the likelihood that a particular job candidate will be a good fit for the company. As many as 75 percent of HR professionals peruse social media accounts, like Facebook, to scout job candidates and not just to look for dirty laundry. …
You Did Not Get the Job! Now What?
You did not get the job! What do you do now?
You just got the rejection notice that said you did not get the job you really wanted.
What could have happened:
There was a more qualified candidate than you for this position. You did not demonstrate one or more attributes that they were looking…How To Job Hop Without Hurting Your Career
Job hopping is a way of life for many professionals, especially millenials who balk at the notion of staying with one company for their entire career. While moving from one job to the next to get ahead is acceptable, particularly for younger workers, it’s how you do the jumping that matters.
“Everyone is allowed one …
5 Tips to Get Yourself Noticed as a Job Seeker
Every job seeker knows they need to get noticed by employers, but the most important thing they want to understand is how.
Being a job seeker in today’s workforce is a challenge. There’s isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution to help job seekers land a job. In fact, if you want to be a standout job seeker, …
It Is the Résumé that is Holding You Back
Could this be? After all, it worked in the past and others who helped you with it made significant improvements. Despite that, vis a vis other outstanding resumes it pales and is ineffective. In order for your resume to propel you to the point that somebody considers you as a potential candidate it has to …
4 Reasons Why You Didn’t Get the Job
Sometimes things don’t go according to the plan. You may feel that you have nailed the interview but in the end, learn that you didn’t get the job. There may be a lot of reasons why you didn’t get the job and got passed up for someone else. It is always recommended to ask the …
Marketing Your Personality Type During an Interview
When it comes to performing well in a job interview, your personality is the most unique quality you bring to the table.
Although hard skills and experience are strong influencers during the hiring process, many employers hire for personality. In fact, 45 percent of hiring managers believe “cultural fit” is one of the most important …
The “Tarzan Principle” for Career Advancement
Before most readers of this blog were in diapers, non-caped super heroes ruled Saturday morning children’s television. One of them, Tarzan, was a staple of my childhood entertainment. Little did I know, while watching this fantasy story of a child who grew up in a primitive jungle and was raised by apes, that I …
Interview with the PC: What’s Next?
And you thought a phone interview is challenging. How about the next phase, which will involve using Webcam technology? Many major employers have become more sophisticated in the use of such technology and are using the services of companies like Interview Stream for Webcam interviewing. The Webcam is an additional selection tool a company can …
How to Build Your Brand by Giving it Away
You’re bright, have industry insight and possess a strong worth ethic. What’s the problem? You cannot get your foot in the door. Whether you’re on the market for a new position or are vying for a lucrative new contract for your business, getting your foot in the door can prove a challenge. This is especially …