Want to Improve? Know Your Strengths
We’ve all struggled to overcome something we don’t like about ourselves. Why is it so hard to change a single bad habit? The tabloids have talented and famous people splashed across their headlines who’ve had their careers destroyed by bad habits. You need to focus on your strengths.
Are we all impatient or lazy? Why …
5 Things You Should Leave Out of Your Resume
Literally millions of words have been written about that document that has long been the centerpiece in the typical job search, the résumé. (From time to time over the years I’ve written a few of those words myself!) Normally, résumé articles/blogs focus on what to make sure to include in your résumé. In this post …
Unemployment: How Is Your State Doing?
When choosing a career, whether initially or for a change, there are several basic factors to consider. I wince every time I hear someone say “Do what you love and you will never work another day in your life” or “Follow your passion” because I believe these sayings can cause people to make decisions without …
6 Steps to Reach Job Search Zen
Anyone who says they are 100 percent satisfied with their job in many cases is either being dishonest or their boss is standing nearby. Anyone who says they are zero percent satisfied, on the other hand, can most probably be believed and really should be looking for another employer.
The majority of folks are somewhere …
References from Beyond Your Reference List
References are a key component in getting a job. Who can verify that you know your stuff?
Traditionally, references are supplied when an employer is getting ready to make an offer. Recently, I have had two clients who had very different experiences as it relates to references.
Asking for References after a Phone InterviewI …
Getting Your Foot in the Door: 3 Strategies to Break Into a New Career
Most working professionals have considered trying something different as a career. However, many are unable to successfully switch into a new career path because they lack key insight into the tactics that will get them noticed by hiring managers who can facilitate a significant career move.
Instead of going about their job search as they …
‘BeerGuy’ Need Not Apply; ‘PartyGirl’ Won’t Get a Whirl
Like most important things in life, during a job search the devil certainly can be in the details. Take the email address you choose to use—or even accidentally use!—in your job search correspondence, for example. Don’t think it really matters all that much which one you use, as long as you just use one? Think …
Did the Dog Eat Your Career Plans?
The 2008 economic downturn had far-reaching effects on employers, the recruiting industry, and individual workers. Did it have a negative effect on your career? If so, have you recovered from it?
I’m guessing that, like 95% of respirating humans, you had no career plan before the 2008 recession. I’m guessing that, six years later, you …
Are You Like Me? – Hired!
It’s probably happened to you a hundred times: you go to a major store, hoping to find that specific item you’re after, and you have to walk away disappointed. Either the item was not available or, most likely, you were looking for something uncommon or unusual that the store didn’t have. Such a scenario often …
How to Choose the Right Job Candidate
This week, I wanted to help entrepreneurs, recruiters and hiring managers by discussing some tips for choosing the right candidate for the job. Hiring the right candidate is very important because the right person can save you time and money by working efficiently. In comparison, a bad hire can cost you time and money as …