How to Choose a Career Coach
I am a practicing career coach, and at every year-end, I summarize my annual accomplishments as measured by how many people I helped and what percentage of them landed. In practicing Six Sigma principles in my career coaching, one of the ones I especially take to heart is CIP, which stands for Continuous Improvement Process. …
Black Friday and Employee Recruitment
All employees want to recruit the best candidate and often, small business owners complain that they cannot convince talented candidates to work for them. Well, as a small business owner, did you ever think of applying Black Friday to your recruitment? If you are asking how you are going to do this, here is how.…
End Job Interview with a BANG!, Not a Whimper
As the typical job interview comes to a close, and after the candidate has already been asked numerous questions, most hiring managers will wrap everything up with a final question for the candidate. How the candidate answers this question can dictate whether he or she leaves the interview with a BANG! or, more typically, with …
So Tell Me, What Are Your Weaknesses?
This is one of the most dreaded interview questions, but if you understand the reason interviewers ask it and what they’re looking to uncover, you’ll see that you can certainly prepare for it.
The question about your weaknesses comes fairly soon after the interview begins and typically after such a question as, What are your …
Telling Good Stories Can Win You the Job!
Looking for a workable approach that can effectively set you far apart from other candidates who are vying for the same positions as you and help you become the candidate of choice? Crafting and effectively telling good stories that visually illustrate what is unique, professionally, about you can accomplish precisely that! Why? Because most other …
Are You Just Looking for a Job, or Do You have a Campaign Going?
No one needs to reiterate that today’s is a difficult job market that is unprecedented in recent times or that regrettably, many people are looking for jobs for extended amounts of time—sometimes for years! As a career coach, I often work with such people, and I notice that they have things in common: None of …
Hints for a Successful Job Search
This week, I will give you general hints that will expedite your job search process.
1. Never underestimate the importance of networking (including face-to-face networking and social media networking):
You should never underestimate the importance of networking, including face-to-face networking and social media networking. Many people get job offers by going to job fairs and …
Pursuing Jobs Where You Are Not A Good Fit
Pursuing jobs where you are not a good fit…
My client was approached about a job where she was not necessarily a good fit. She asked me if she should pursue the position.
My response was yes! They approached her. Talk is cheap. Plus, it was good practice on multiple levels.
ResumeThis is a …
6 Things to Never Say During an Interview
Believe it or not, it only takes one sentence to turn a great interview into a lost employment opportunity. After 10 years of running a recruiting firm, I can tell you that interviewers actively seek out the negative traits in the job seekers whom they meet.
Be aware that the following sentences and phrases turn …
Don’t Let Gotcha! Job Interview Questions Getcha!
A hiring manager for a Fortune 500 company has just posted a mid-level position she needs to fill. Soon, she can expect the job applications to start rolling in with a vengeance. Hundreds, and perhaps even thousands of them, depending upon the position! Her challenge at that point? To reduce, as quickly and as efficiently …