What Hiring Managers Look for in a Resume
What is the typical comment made by someone who is currently employed and decides it may be time to investigate other career opportunities? It usually goes something like this, doesn’t it?
“I am going to dust off my résumé, shoot it out to a few ‘headhunters,’ send it to some online postings and see what …
Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media During Job Search
For the past few years, social media became an important part of our daily life. Almost everyone has at least one social media account because it is an easy and fun way to keep in touch with friends and family as well as showing your personal brand. Your tweets, posts and the pictures you upload …
What Really Affects Your Ability to Make Money
Each quarter, our recruiting firm receives upwards of 33,000 resumes from all levels of sales and marketing job seekers from all over the U.S. Nearly every income bracket, education level and age is consistently represented.
Over the course of the past decade, I’ve spent time analyzing why some individuals can sustain on-going monetary success.
For …
Career Planning and the Holidays
Career Planning and the Holidays
The holiday season is a great time to do some critical career planning for the following year. You will likely have some time off to reflect back on the year that is ending and make plans for the new one.
AccomplishmentsReflect back over the previous year and identify key …
Enhance Your Resume with More Accomplishments
I sat down this week with a 39 year old client to review his resume. As we went through his resume, I suggested changes and the reasons for them. Perhaps some of the items we discussed would be helpful to you. Here goes….
Creating attention from the start of your resumeMy client’s resume started …
6 Warning Signs Your Job is at Risk
With widespread, frequent layoffs finally abating, many people are now breathing a sigh of relief and assuming that the threat of layoff is no longer a significant one for them. Such an assumption, though, could easily prove to be a false—and disastrous!—one if they fail to correctly read the political/economic landscape at their current employer.…
Three Tips for Crafting Your 2015 Professional Vision Board
Are you refreshing your personal brand in 2015 or looking to reinvent yourself and go into a new profession? A vision board may help you crystallize your 2015 goals.
Vision boards are simply visual representations of your goals. They can be digital or physical collages of images representing your targets. Some create vision boards using …
Are You Seeking Respect and Failing in Interviews
Seeking Respect in Interviews
Are you seeking respect and backing off your usual style when you first meet someone?
I have several new clients whose natural style is to be direct in their communication. In contrast, they have a high need for respect in their dealings with other people, as defined by their Birkman Assessment.…
Suspend Job Search During Holidays? No!
A question I’m often asked by job seekers is whether or not they should continue a job search during the holiday season. The conventional wisdom seems to be that, during this time of the year, beginning with Thanksgiving Day and running through New Year’s Day, most hiring professionals are so pre-occupied with family celebrations and …
Synchronize Your LinkedIn Profile for a Better Career
I spoke with a job seeker this week who is seven months into his search. After receiving his inquiry and before calling him, I did what many professionals and all recruiters do these days…. I reviewed his LinkedIn profile. What I saw was that he had eight jobs in the last 11 years. Yikes!
When …