Category: Interview

Communication & NetworkingInterviewJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

6 Tips for Handling Lunch or Dinner Interviews

Preparing for a job interview is stressful enough.  Add a meal in to the mix and the event can produce even more pressure and nervousness.  Some companies even schedule their interviews over a meal on purpose – just to see how you will handle this delicate social situation.

Keep the following tips in mind if …

InterviewMedia BrandingRelationships & Personal Growthtv

Video Presentations: One Easy Way to Keep Them Watching

Audiences make snap judgments about anyone on camera. Viewers immediately assume someone is hostile if they look slightly angry. A confused look can come across as dopey. A blank face looks snooty or boring. That’s because video amplifies every facial expression—and often viewers don’t stick around to find out if their first impression was wrong. …

InterviewJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

6 Reasons Why Your Interviews Are Not Going Well

There are dozens of reasons why some job interviews don’t go well. Contrary to popular belief, these variables don’t always have to do with the job seeker nor are they indicative of that individual’s career potential. As an applicant, if you feel you’re not interviewing as well as you could be, you’re not alone.

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