6 Tips for Handling Lunch or Dinner Interviews
Preparing for a job interview is stressful enough. Add a meal in to the mix and the event can produce even more pressure and nervousness. Some companies even schedule their interviews over a meal on purpose – just to see how you will handle this delicate social situation.
Keep the following tips in mind if …
Minding your P’s and Q’s
When interacting with others we’ve always been told to mind our p’s and q’s. Well. maybe not always. But, when you were going to grandma’s house your mom probably told you to mind your p’s and q’s and expected a certain modicum of behavior from you.
Minding your p’s and q’s is still true … …
Video Presentations: One Easy Way to Keep Them Watching
Audiences make snap judgments about anyone on camera. Viewers immediately assume someone is hostile if they look slightly angry. A confused look can come across as dopey. A blank face looks snooty or boring. That’s because video amplifies every facial expression—and often viewers don’t stick around to find out if their first impression was wrong. …
6 Reasons Why Your Interviews Are Not Going Well
There are dozens of reasons why some job interviews don’t go well. Contrary to popular belief, these variables don’t always have to do with the job seeker nor are they indicative of that individual’s career potential. As an applicant, if you feel you’re not interviewing as well as you could be, you’re not alone.
Why…OK, You Can Talk, But Can You Also LISTEN?!
We’ve all run into these kind of people. You attempt to have a “conversation” with them but you know that all the time you’re talking they are not really listening. They’re merely thinking about what they are going to say next. And, if you happen to take a breath, or otherwise pause while speaking, they …
Would They Like to Work With You?
After years of working as a Software Engineer, I was ready to go back to my passion around teaching and facilitating. I applied for a “Training Specialist” position.
Of course, before applying, I needed to re-paint my brand with fresh colors, get into new circles of professionals, position my experience from an angle that was …
The 4 Steps to a Job Offer
As corporate America gets increasingly competitive, finding a great job becomes exponentially more difficult. These days, there are more applicants applying for the same position and employers are constantly stressed over tight hiring deadlines on filling these positions.
Follow These Steps to a Job OfferTo circumvent the large amount of competition and find the …
Time to Plan for a Re-Charge
We are close to the end of the first quarter of 2013. By now you’ve been running hard for close to 90 days. Hopefully all the time and effort you put into your plans to kick off the year strong are starting to pay dividends.
Have you thought about taking a (brief) break to Re-Charge? …
The Comprehensive Guide to Sales Interviewing
Interviewing for a sales job can be complicated, though it doesn’t have to be. For this reason, the recruiters at KAS Placement have put forth a comprehensive guide for the sales interview:
Why Do You Want to Be In SalesWhen interviewing for a sales job, you should know why you want to be in …
Are You Pulling Your Weight
Are you ready to deliver $1.4 Million dollars in value to your company?
Beyond being ready … are you able to deliver $1.4 Million?
If you expect to be making $100,000+ dollars a year you should expect your prospective employer to assign some sort of multiple to your salary. A Return on Salary (ROS) if …