Category: guest post

Career & WealthCommunication & Networkinggen-yguest postRelationships & Personal Growth

3 Powerful Habits To Supercharge Your Career

Great, you found a career that you love. Now what?

If you’re like most ambitious people, you realize that even after you work for years to accomplish something, the road to mastery is still long and winding. Especially when it comes to mastery in your career.

So how do you continue to overcome the inevitable …

gen-yguest postLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Why The Generation Gap is Great for Your Career

We have entered an exciting time in the evolution of the workplace. With the Millennial generation (those born approximately 1982-1995, a.k.a. Generation Y) entering the workforce in large numbers and the delay in retirement for many Baby Boomers, today’s office space is often being shared by different generations.

There has been a lot of discussion …

guest postRelationships & Personal Growth

Kayla Johnson: The Price of Choosing Generosity

Editor’s Note:  I’m excited to share a guest post today from Kayla Johnson!Kayla Johnson is a marketing lead at brightpeak financial, a new organization dedicated to helping young Christian adults and families start taking action on their finances now, and for the future.

“Kayla, here’s what I think you need to start thinking about…” is …

gen-yguest postLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Be Your Own Brand, Not Your Generation’s

Whether or not you’ve heard the term Millennial or Gen Y, you’ve probably heard a few of the stereotypes associated with your generation (those born approximately 1982-1995), such as lazy, entitled or too tech focused.

As Millennials enter the workforce at a rapid pace, it is important that young workers not only recognize that these …

guest postRelationships & Personal Growth

Work-at-Home-Moms: Turning the Personal into Brand

EDITOR’S NOTE:   Today’s guest post is by Megan Totka who is the Chief Editor for

Many women assume that the entry into parenthood means an exit – whether temporary or permanent – from the working world. While the first few weeks – or months, or years – of parenthood can certainly be all-consuming, becoming …

Brand Yourself Asguest postJob SearchRelationships & Personal Growth

6 Ways to Freshen Up Your Online Profile for Fall

Change is good. And changing things up on your online profile can attract attention, whether it’s a recruiter or an angel investor or some new followers.

This fall brings many good reasons for freshening up our online images: Stepped up networking events, new or renewed emphasis on career goals and of course, the expectation that …