Personal Branding Weekly – Your Insincere Brand
All business is personal and is built upon your relationships with individuals. People carry forth (or don’t) the mission of the brand in daily actions. A company’s brand is the mission in action put forth by a conglomeration of many personal brands.
I took the time to trace that relationship because so many brands are …
Go Viral! Tips to Creating Content People Share
Word-of-mouth, buzz, referral, viral marketing, whatever you call it, there’s no doubt that people are more likely to take a look at something suggested by a friend. The challenge is to create content that people want to share. There is a bit of stardust involved when it comes to having something that catches fire versus …
Greatness through Gratitude
Gratitude seems to be a rare or discounted commodity. In our time deprived, hyper-connected world, we may text a quick “thx” or smiley face and go on our way. And, practices like that make us like everyone else – just average.
How do you stand out in someone’s mind? How do you engage and inspire …
Side-Hustling: Chantel Waterbury, CEO of Chloe + Isabel
I recently had a chance to catch up with Chantel Waterbury, founder and CEO of Chloe + Isabel, an exciting jewelry company that employs merchandisers to build their brand. It is very popular with Millennials, and each merchandiser is essentially an entrepreneur “side-hustling” to bring in extra income, which makes Chantel an excellent addition to …
Advance Business Using One Secret Strategy
Do you sometimes get frustrated with offers expressed as seemingly helping you but in reality do not value your time and experience? Put in this situation, most people will either give away their services far below their worth or will walk away without trying to find a solution to the problem.
The secret strategy is …
Cross-Serving for Additional Revenue
It’s always hard to kiss the girl, the first time. After that, it’s pretty easy. All business owners are looking for ways to increase revenue.
More often than not, they exert effort in trying to expand their client or customer based. It is the business owner’s default, more revenue needs to come from more customers. …
Go for the CEO Job!
Every organization needs a leader. Motorcycle gangs have (official and unofficial) designated leaders, as do Red Cross workers. Children on school playgrounds follow the leader, just as dogs in a pack. Regardless of your calling, someone is going to lead the charge; no group can do without. It might as well be you.
In business, …
Personal Branding Weekly – Happy Birthday Edition
Yesterday, I celebrated my birthday. I enjoyed the time with family and friends. And, also used the moment to reflect on what worked last year and what I’m looking forward to in the coming year.
Along with all the usual Groundhog Day happenings, the excitement of Super Bowl was a new twist for the day …
Entrepreneurs – You Get What You Give
BRANDido and friend, Merlin U. Ward is someone who walks his talk consistently giving in ways that are valuable to the recipient. As an entrepreneur, your personal brand and business brand (which is really founded on your personal brand), he shared some valuable points.
You Get What You Give is a book every brand manager …
Entrepreneurial Spirit: Ground Zero to Finding Success
The entrepreneurial spirit believes that quitting is acceptable only after success has been found but not before. Even though a new direction may be found, the experience of the previous route remains a teacher for the new.
It is the spirit and drive of the person that is bound and determined to learn from errors …