Category: Employer Branding

Career ResourcesEmployer BrandingJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

10 Factors to Weigh When Defining Your DREAM Job

Ask most people to define what their DREAM job would look like and you’re likely to get answers such as these:

“I would make more money and get a significant promotion.” “I would work for a company that gives me considerably more responsibility and authority and my skills and talents would be genuinely appreciated. “My…
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Career & WealthEmployer BrandingmanagementRelationships & Personal Growth

Eliminating “It’s Not My Job Attitudes” at Your Workplace

The more client work I do the more creative I have to get.

I find my clients’ continue to offer me unique opportunities to stretch my comfort zone as I try to stretch theirs’. It’s become a wonderful symbiotic relationship.

Last week I was confronted with a situation where a client was challenged with a …

Employer BrandingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Branding by Association – Part II

In the world of personal branding, there are influences on your brand that you may not realize. In a post from a few weeks ago, Branding By Association, I referenced how your associates can influence how others consider you.  Associating yourself with certain groups will affect how you are perceived – both positively and negatively.  …

Communication & NetworkingEmployer BrandingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRecruitment

The Optimistic vs Pessimistic Job Applicant

There are two ways to look at life, one’s job search and the inevitable interviewing rejection each job seeker incurs. The first is to imagine the worst and be prone to depression when we encounter each roadblock. The second is to look at interviewing rejection as a temporary setback and to leverage that disappointment into …

Career & WealthCommunication & NetworkingEmployer BrandingRelationships & Personal Growth

What Does Love Have To Do With Workplace Productivity?

I’ll never forget my first marketing class in graduate school. My professor asked the class for the definition of marketing and we all attempted to give astute answers. I recall confidently answering with one of the most well-known, conventional definitions for marketing described as the four P’s (product, price, promotion and place) and was quickly …

Corporate BrandingEmployer Brandinggen-yRelationships & Personal Growth

New Generation’s Bap Rap In Workplace Is Undeserved

There is a lot of scuttlebutt about managing multi-generations in the workforce today.

Yet, I wonder if it’s any different, or more challenging than previous eras. I mean, hiring and managing the flower children of the 60s that transitioned into the workplace in the early 70s couldn’t have been a picnic for traditional business owners, …