Category: Communication & Networking

Communication & NetworkingRecruitmentSkill Development

Is Recruiting Sales Employees From Your Competitors Sound HR?

With relative frequency, our recruiters come across organizations that believe it to be an advantageous strategy to recruit from their competition. This is understandable. On the surface, the strategy appears to carry merit. Employers assume that those who have experience in a field will need less ramp-up time, less handholding from management and will have …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCommunication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

There Is Always Time to Engage, Thank and PIF

It’s the end of the year. Are you ready for 2015?

For my last post of 2014 I thought I would do things a little differently.

I’ve been writing for you, the extended and global community of the Personal Branding Blog, for a little over two years now. It has been a pleasure and a …

Career ResourcesCommunication & NetworkingJob SearchLifestyle & Habit Building

What Affects Your Ability to Make Money

This quarter, our recruiting firm received upwards of 33,000 resumes from all levels of sales and marketing job seekers from around the U.S. Nearly every income bracket, education level and age is represented.

I’ve spent time wondering why is Sally making 35% more than Bob, even though Bob is just as good an employee. As …