Stop Trying to Be Perfect, Just Be Yourself!
Perfection can be a motivation killer. The more you put pressure to yourself, the more stressed you will be. When you get stressed, your motivation and health will get affected from it and your performance will decrease eventually. Instead of focusing on being perfect, you should focus on being your best. In this way, you …

You’ve Got 3 Minutes. What Will You Say?
Everything cannot be boiled down to 3 minute increments.
Nor should they be..
However, there are times when that’s all the time you have. Sometimes you have even less. Perhaps as little as 8 seconds. (Have I already lost you?)
Do you need the full three minutes?
For the sake of argument let’s just say …

Transform Dark Days into Opportunity
Your reaction to particularly awful days can make or break future success. The better action to take is to remain as calm as possible. Take quiet time to analyze how far you have come. Think about the twists and turns, and what currently has you stopped in your tracks.
Numerous conversations revealed that many almost …

Work Your Plan / Plan Your Work
A few years ago one of my colleagues at Microsoft used to say this all the time.
“Working my plan.”
He said it matter-of-factly and without much fanfare.
This is what he would say every time someone asked him:
How’s it going? What’s going on? Or, What are you working on?Initially I thought this …

Target the Reason People Buy
Television shows, movies and much of what we read speak to the need of managing our reputation. In particular, it’s important to monitor our online communication. If in the heat of the moment, we were to post something that we later regret, it could affect future employment and possibly all else we desire to achieve.…

Don’t Let Anything Hold You Back
You have come across with an opportunity of a lifetime and you have to make a decision. However, this decision is not easy and involves you to change your life completely or get out of your comfort zone or start everything from scratch. Therefore, part of you wants to go for it badly but your …

Improve Results for Offered Opportunities
Opportunities seem to be rare until the first one or two are presented. And then many more soon follow. This necessitates declining most offers in order to select the best due to the need for being time efficient and productive.
Strategies to Consider:
Consistency with values and priorities All messaging conveys your personal brand Pay…
What are We Trying to Do Here?
Do you ever ask yourself this question?
Do you ever ask yourself this question about your company?
Do you ever ask yourself this question about your life?
Not to get too philosophical
But, these are questions you can and should be asking yourself. If you aren’t asking yourself these hard questions today then in five, …

Is Recruiting Your Competitors’ Sales Employees Profitable?
With relative frequency, our recruiters come across organizations that believe it to be an advantageous strategy to recruit from their competition. This is understandable. On the surface, the strategy appears to carry merit. Employers assume that those who have experience in a field will need less ramp-up time, less handholding from management and will have …

Use Being Different to Your Competitive Advantage
Most people are very concerned about being different or knowing the least of everyone in the room when it comes to meetings. Sales professionals use the circumstance to their competitive advantage.
Our reluctance to speak is partially due to the fact we don’t want to reveal our seemingly lower level experience. The other part is …