Are You Ready for A New Career In the New Year?
Signals for the Time is Now
No doubt your career has seen twists and turns along with a steady stream of endeavors. It has undoubtedly brought both challenges and reward. It’s comfortable, and you know what needs to be done each day until the realization hits that the same old no longer works.
Focus plus …

Tips for a Stress Free Business Trip
Business trips aren’t always easy, especially if you are travelling a lot. Your employer generally expects a lot from you within a short amount of time. Also, change of weather, less sleep and eating outside can disrupt your routine and as a result, decrease your health. Below you can find some tips for a stress …

10 Best Free Tools for Entrepreneurs
If you are going to start a business, you should make best use of your limited budget and try to bootstrap as much as possible. Therefore, take a look at the below free tools which will make your life easier and help you take-off your business right away.
Launchrock: Launchrock helps you to build a…
The Secret to Maintaining Week-Long Productivity
Our job is important. It’s how most of us put food in our belly and Louboutins on our feet. It’s where we spend one-third of our entire lives. It’s even where one in five of us will meet the person we marry.
Yet too many of us arrive stressed on Monday and leave exhausted by …

Maintain Balance for Positive Results
Work life balance is the typical thought heard, but this just refers to the hours put in. Examining business further brings about many areas in which balance may take place.
Some of the differing areas to consider:
Cultural differences and experiences Technical versus creative ideas Senior versus junior generationsTeamwork within companies is vital to …

Ways to Use Holiday Season to Your Advantage
You can always develop your career if you really want and believe it or not holidays are perfect for it. During holiday season, it is easier to get in touch with people because you have a perfectly valid reason for it. Therefore, it is up to you to use this excuse and advance your career. …

There is No Free Lunch
Subtitled: As the water cooler goes … So goes the company.
When the water stops being delivered … When the sodas are not stocked … When the Odwalla’s stop showing up …You know the free lunch is coming to an end.
One simple observation is:
As the water cooler goes … So goes the …

Critique Your Work to Make Improvements
Increase success by putting the customer first. Keep the end goal in mind as you dive into the beginning steps to move through the sales cycle. Doing so becomes the guided path to a negotiated agreement that most will embrace.
Connect with hearts and minds by a desire to serve.
The Online Experience
Take time …

30 Things You Should Never Say to Your Boss
Open communication in the workplace is good but there are some lines that should not be crossed. Therefore, you should be careful when speaking to your boss and instead of directly saying what’s on your mind; you should reframe your thoughts. Especially, you should avoid using the below phrases. Otherwise, you can ruin your career.…

What’s your Vector, Victor?
Don’t worry. There will be no pop quizzes.
However, there may be some reminiscing of the classic movie “Airplane”
If you have never seen the movie “Airplane” you have more than likely heard some of the best lines over the years. If you haven’t seen it … Go ahead and watch it now. I’ll wait.…