How to Prepare for a Conference
Attending a conference can be overwhelming or very productive. This totally depends on you. If you go there prepared and invest your time and energy, then you can get the most out of it. Below you can find tips to prepare for a conference and get the return of your commitment.
Learn the Schedule and…
What Will You Do Next?
Very frequently we find ourselves at a ‘fork in the road’ that has us pausing to consider what to do next. Unfortunately, most people do not think out their next steps ahead of time before making pronouncements that prove to be premature.
How many times have you heard someone say, “I’m going to…” but that …

How to Manage Stress in the Workplace
Unfortunately in today’s world, everyone feels pressured and stressed out. There are so many challenging items in our plates with tough deadlines that it is inevitable not to get stressed. If work stress becomes chronic, it also harms your health. Therefore, in order to overcome work related stress, you can implement the below tips to …

The Pipeline Model Experience
The sales pipeline model dictates that not everything works out as we hope. Some people can manage where they are, while others seek out a new direction. Remaining in place or moving to the next opportunity does not necessarily indicate that one path is better than the other. However, it is the attitude toward the …

Do Personality Tests Lead to Better Hiring Decisions?
It’s not a new phenomenon. Psychological tests have been used in employee selection processes since World War I.
Determining how to reduce turnover, increase productivity and more accurately predict employee performance has been and remains a goal of nearly every organization.
Due to its importance, predicting the future success of an applicant is a difficult, …

The Gig Economy and The Rise of the Uber-Specialists
Does the gig economy encourage the rise of the Uber Specialist?
Where Uber Specialist means a person with deep and specific skills.
Note: This has NOTHING to do with the car service.
Effectively this is the market and model for independent consultants since the dawn of time. Where someone has a unique skill that people …

Seemingly Moving Backward Has Reward
The worst direction is not to be moving at all but instead, standing still. Avoiding action while providing excuses brings about one’s worst nightmare. Standing still provides the feeling of being in quicksand because everything around us changes so quickly. One feels as if they are drowning in a sea of uncertainty.
The person seeking …

Great Things can Happen When You Realize This
When you realize that you are …
Just an hour of someone’s day.
This might seem harsh. And, in a lot of senses it is.
But, the fact is … as you are scheduling your 24 hours of your day you should be cognizant and respectful that you are just an hour in someone else’s …

Use Pricing as a Strategy
Every business owner needs to weigh a new fee increase against current client loyalty, and the risk involved. Most everyone has experience with using a service for several years that suddenly requests fees well beyond what is considered reasonable.
A steep rate hike is the point of no return for most customers. Before making such …

How You Can Listen to Your Customers
If you want your customers keep buying from you, you need to pay attention to what they say. Also, if you want them to stay loyal to your business, you should solve their problems. Otherwise, they will go to your competitors. Therefore, in order to keep making money, you should listen to your customers. Below …