How Small Business Owners Can Attract ‘Top Talent?’
Every start-up would love to have the influence that Google has in attracting ‘Top Talent.” After all, who wouldn’t want the absolute best talent in the industry clamoring to join your ranks? First thing you can do is recognize the strengths start-ups inherently have and capitalize on those areas. Then you should learn more about …
Maximize Your Time By Outsourcing
I’m updating a book I wrote a few years ago that includes hundreds of resources. While it’s not hard to go through the list to check which are still valid and which aren’t, the task is long and tedious. My time is better spent on activities that directly earn income, which is why I gave …
Creative Branding Defined
In today’s competitive market every business should be on board with a branding strategy that is clearly representing your mission statement along with an active community in order to be effective and attract sales. Branding reflects all the elements that define the image, ethos and tone of the company or product your site represents. Everything …
Moms: First Mentors That Set the Stage for Success
It has taken me a full week, since last Sunday’s Mother’s Day Holiday, to reflect on the influence my mom had on my success as an adult.
When you’re growing up you can’t, and don’t, really appreciate it. At least I didn’t.
As a professional speaker I have a coach and mentor that continues to …
What Millennials can Learn from Rules 13 and 14
About the time many Millennials were just entering their teenage years, I was fortunate enough to hear one of the great generals of the United States Army speak.
I’m talking about Norman Schwarzkopf, also known as “Stormin’ Norman” in some circles. He was a great speaker. He was engaging with practical, real-world stories. He spoke …
Personal Brands: LinkedIn the Network to Watch
It’s the leading online networking site for the modern professional, and has proven very valuable to providing professionals from all sectors with a platform to connect, interact and share information. With a growing user base, LinkedIn has had to make changes over the years in order to improve user experience and enable companies and individuals …
Under-Thinking the Pre-Game Plan
How many times have you told somebody, or have been told, to stop “over-thinking” the idea, task or decision at hand? Over-thinking can lead to procrastination, confusion and the dangerous gray area of indecision. I am guilty of it, frequently. But a term we don’t hear nearly as often is “under-thinking.” Has anyone ever told …
Win the Talent War by Opting for Transparency
On the heels of Glassdoor’s debut yesterday of our OpenCompany program (recognizing employers who support and promote workplace transparency), it’s important to discuss how companies can embrace employee feedback. Employers that are transparent help their companies’ recruiting and retention efforts. On you’ll find our complete article detailing three points that should be top of …
It’s Not Personal Just Business; Think Twice!
Some people believe one needs to make decisions based upon the bottom line 100% of the time. If it benefits you, great, otherwise, discard the idea. Emotional decisions in business benefit no one. On the other hand, it is said, what you put out into the atmosphere will be received back many times over. After …
Personal Branding Weekly – Less is the New More
Raise your hand if you are so done with the selfie! Me, too. In fact, I find the most interesting people are not the compulsive selfie takers, they’re the ones actually focused on the conversation and the connection.
Yes, I’ve met Chris Brogan and yes, I know him by name. The same with Jon Loomer, …