Category: Career & Wealth

Career & WealthCareer ResourcesRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

The Growth Game 3%: How Much Self Investment?

The financial services industry has given many rules of thumb for planning when it comes to budgeting and investment strategies. Save between 10 and 20 percent of your income for retirement depending on your age.  Have six months of living expenses stores away in a liquid account. Keep your monthly debt obligations under 36 percent …

Career & WealthRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Defeating Procrastination for Achieving Excellent Results

Have you ever been ultra excited about tackling a brand new project for business growth, but once it was time to get started, panic hit? The question usually becomes, “How and where to begin?” All of a sudden the excitement converts into uncertainty and sometimes fear. In turn, the dilemma is met with procrastination.

Procrastination …

Career & WealthRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Personal Branding Weekly – Servant or Salesperson?

To this day, the term “used car salesperson” still conjures up a specific persona that many feel is a very negative way to describe someone.  The generalizations around this title are “pushy, fast talking, aggressive, high pressure, deceptive, rude, pesky, annoying” (and these descriptions came up quickly on the first page of a Google search …

Career & WealthCareer ResourcesCommunication & NetworkingInterviewLifestyle & Habit BuildingMedia BrandingSkill Development

Improv Everywhere: An Interview with Charlie Todd

Recently, I had the privilege of connecting with Charlie Todd, a well-known New York-based improviser and member of the Upright Citizen’s Brigade theater. In 2001, Charlie founded the prank collective Improv Everywhere, a group that “causes scenes of chaos and joy in public places.” Since that time, the group has executed over 100 projects involving …

Career & WealthNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Strategies to Improve Calls and Increase Sales

The successful sales professional will begin all conversations from the prospective client’s point of view. They encourage prospective clients to speak first and share everything on their mind. This is the simplest and most direct route for understanding what the prospective client truly needs, wants, and desires, and is the key for quickly getting to …