Category: Career & Wealth

Career & WealthRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

What Successful People Read that You Don’t

I was finalizing a purchase with a new company this weekend and because it was a new vendor, I had to complete the deal by registering on the company’s website. The sales representative was charming and extraordinarily knowledgeable throughout the entire negotiation, so it didn’t surprise me when she wanted to coach me through this …

Career & WealthRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Personal Branding Weekly – Your Brand Story in 60 seconds

This past weekend the Personal Branding Blog was down. If you tried to reach out, you only saw “Error in Establishing Database Connection”. That’s why you’re receiving the Personal Branding Weekly so late this week. We were not able to establish the connection until late in the evening of this past Monday into early in …

Career & WealthRelationships & Personal GrowthWorkplace Success

Over Deliver on Expectations to Receive Extraordinary Results

As you are about to complete a transaction with a client, ask what their expectations might be regarding their purchase. Several reasons exist for doing so.

On a rare occasion, you might hear something unreasonable, so it’s good to clarify ahead of time. Be straightforward by letting the client know what you cannot do and …

Career & WealthJob SearchNetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

How to Build Your Brand by Giving it Away

You’re bright, have industry insight and possess a strong worth ethic. What’s the problem? You cannot get your foot in the door. Whether you’re on the market for a new position or are vying for a lucrative new contract for your business, getting your foot in the door can prove a challenge. This is especially …

Career & WealthJob SearchRelationships & Personal Growth

Key Tips for Recruiting Visionary Leaders

Leaders get things done. They command the attention and respect of those under them and consistently upgrade subordinate performance via clear goal-setting, positive reinforcement and frequent feedback.

Moreover, their subordinates genuinely like them. While they exhibit great strength and resolve, top managers also display compassion, patience and tolerance for mistakes.

The Importance of Recruiting Leaders…
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Career & WealthRelationships & Personal GrowthWorkplace Success

Questions Drive Focus, What is Your Primary Focus Question?

For the last in my series on the “self-communication” context of The 3 Levels of High-Performance Leadership Communication you are going to learn a powerful strategy for your self-talk and internal dialogue that can transform the results you achieve in business and life.

In the previous three blog articles here you’ve read about:

The 3…
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