Category: Career & Wealth

Career & WealthRelationships & Personal GrowthWorkplace Success

Small Business Challenge: Finances

The first post in this series regarding small businesses was titled Big Challenges for Small Business Owners and in it we examined the three biggest challenges owners face: people, finances, and time. In the The Small Business People Puzzle: Part 1 and Part 2, we looked deeper into the challenge of finding, selecting, attracting, orienting, …

Career & WealthCommunication & NetworkingSuccess Story

The Complexities of Entrepreneurial Selling

Selling to the modern day buyer requires that you enter the world of the modern day buyer.  They feel their buying options are endless, constant interruptions from emails and social media alerts have significantly damaged their ability focus, they are told different things from each vendor they contact, yet believe themselves to be more informed…
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Career & WealthRelationships & Personal Growth

The Small Business People Puzzle, Part 2

In my first post in this series titled Big Challenges for Small Business Owners, three important areas for small business success were outlined: people, finances, and time. In the second post titled The Small Business People Puzzle (Part 1), we discussed finding, attracting, selecting, and on-boarding the “right” employees. In this post, we need to …

Career & WealthWorkplace Success

How to Successfully Work with and Manage Millenials

Is the younger, tech-crazed generation giving you a run for your money in the workplace?

An interesting benefit of my work as a professional speaker is interacting with sometimes thousands of people every week, across generations. Few topics illustrate generational differences in the workplace as technology, my particular topic. In fact, it’s impossible to discuss …