Category: Brand Yourself As

Brand Yourself AsLifestyle & Habit BuildingPositioningRelationships & Personal Growth

Recognition Breeds Interaction

If you have expertise that can help an entire community, how you approach that community is critical to getting maximum recognition for your personal brand.

Last week, in the post “Participation Breeds Recognition”, I told you about the personal brand I was aiming to build at work, and the first outward-facing brand-building steps my team …

Brand Yourself AsLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Employee Participation Breeds Recognition

Successful personal branding tactics that existed before social media are often still useful today. Here are some examples from my own career.

Wherever I’ve worked, the personal brand I’ve tried to build is to be known as someone who is:

Professional Helpful Intellectually honest Successful Getting things done Open to Always seeking constructive criticism

In …

Brand Yourself AsCommunication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingPositioningRelationships & Personal Growth

How Your Personal Brand Handles Multiple Hats

“I have many roles, hats if you will.  Does that mean I should have an online profile for each?” asked an attendee at the fifth annual Massachusetts Conference for Women.

This is a great question. In fact, there were 11 great questions that were asked during the Q & A portion of my presentation on …

Brand Yourself AsRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

How I Built My Brand and You Can, Too

Chances are, unless you knew me personally, you’d never heard of me until September 2008 at the earliest. That’s when I became’s national entry-level careers columnist, even though I’ve been in the career space since 2002.

Between then and Spring 2009, I subscribed and unsubscribed to this very blog, as the importance of personal …

authors cornerBrand Yourself AsRelationships & Personal Growth

6 Questions Your Book Proposal Must Answer

The first step in writing a book to build your personal brand–after researching the topic, of course–is to prepare a book proposal that will convince literary agents and publishers of the commercial feasibility of your book.

Proposal as sales tool

To succeed, you have to view your book proposal as an advertisement, or direct-marketing sales  …

Brand Yourself AseBrandPositioningRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation ManagementSocial Media

Are You Ready for the Personal Branding Cloud?

Last week I shared with you how to sync up your Twitter and Linkedin profiles to help promote your personal brand. This week I will take a look at Linkedin and their announcement to open the Linkedin platform, what this means for your personal brand, and the evolution of the Personal Branding Cloud.

Excerpt from …

Brand Yourself AseBrandRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

Twitter Personal Branding Q + A #4

Responses to recent tweets made recently by people about personal branding.

Sherman M. Cheng, @chengm7ny, asked: thinking of building up my personal brand…but what should I start with?

Jacob Share, @jacobshare:

The first part of a personal branding is to understand what its goals should be i.e, once you’ve understood what your personal branding goals …

Brand Yourself AsLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Is Your Brand Guilty by Association?

I got in trouble quite a bit growing up, but not necessarily for misdeeds I had actually committed. My parents were firm believers in “guilty by association”—guilty for just being present when something went wrong.

As social media becomes more ubiquitous, I bet your brand is in the same position I was all those years …