Category: Brand Yourself As

Brand Yourself AsCommunication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingPositioningRelationships & Personal Growth

Are You Ready to be Interviewed for the First Time?

Getting ready to be interviewed should play an important role in your personal branding success.  As your online visibility and your personal brand grows, there’s an increased likelihood you’ll be contacted for media and other interviews.

Being prepared for last-minute interviews puts you in charge and helps you successfully communicate your personal branding message.

It’s …

Brand Yourself AsPositioningRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Blogging Beyond Your Subject Matter : Adding Personality

Chuck Westbrook has a great post today on his blog called More than a Niche: Thoughts on Blogging Beyond Boundaries. He talks about the writers personality shining through in the evolution of the blog.

Many blogs begin as niche blogs covering a topic of interest or expertise, especially blogs started to help develop the author’s …

Brand Yourself AsRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Maintaining Your Personal Brand During Illness or Injury

Until 2009, I hadn’t been to a primary care physician in I don’t know how long. I’m typically very healthy – exercise daily, eat right, all of that good stuff. Unfortunately, “all of that good stuff” hasn’t kept me completely out of doctors’ offices over the years. In the last decade, I’ve had a cancer …

personal brand lifecycle
Brand Yourself AsCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

The Personal Branding Content Lifecycle

Creating a credible and influential personal brand requires that you create remarkable content. Here is a flow chart that details the different stages of the personal branding content lifecycle. Use it to help you understand the different stages and how to use each stage more effectively as you create the brand called you.

Enhance Your…
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authors cornerBrand Yourself AsCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Leveraging the Brand Created by Your Book

Although writing a book remains the best way to build your personal brand, writing a book, by itself, is usually not enough. Instead, you must build upon, and leverage, the brand created by your book by consistently promoting  it online and offline.

In many ways, writing a book is the first step, or “price of …