3 More Ways Guest Blogging Can Build Your Personal Brand
How a guest post on the right blog can your brand the right boost.
PreviouslyLast year, I gave you 5 ideas about successfully using guest blogging as part of your personal branding strategy.
They were:
Location of the guest post Topic of the guest post Quality of the guest post Byline of the guest…The 5 E’s to Extraordinary Results
3 Ways to Destroy Your Personal Brand in One Day
You’ve spent a lot of time building your personal brand. Don’t ruin all of your hard work by doing any of these things:
LyingNo one likes a liar. And those folks who have built a well-respected personal brand tend to be the ones that fall the hardest when they’re caught in a lie (Tiger …
Work For Free. It’ll Grow Your Brand.
Over dinner recently, a smart and successful friend of mine made this comment:
“If I had an 18-year-old son, I would tell him this: ‘You can go to college if you want. But if you want to be 25 and successful, go find a rich person and offer to work for them for free. Learn …
Networking Without Neediness
How do you meet people at a dinner or networking event? How do you approach a total stranger without coming off too aggressively or being seen as looking to make a contact to better one’s self?
Steve Boyle of No Excuses, No Regrets Basketball, asked me that question via email a few months ago, and …
“Give Me Freedom…” Should Your Brand Include Political Standing?
There are a lot of things that don’t mix well with your career. One of the obvious ones is religion. But what about politics?
Do you talk about politics at work? In your blog posts? On Twitter or Facebook? This is linking your personal brand with a political standing – and can be a quick …
Your Brand is You, Branding is You In Action!
There is a big difference between your “brand” and your “branding.”
Your brand is YOU: who you are, what you do, what you stand for, your DNA personality. You are a tangible artifact, which you create into a brand that is an image that lives in the mind of people that come to know you …
Open Minds Walk Through Open Doors – Part 2
We previously discussed the idea of implementing brand new techniques against the advice of others. Entrepreneurs must always be willing to look at new possibilities, take calculated risk and maintain a commitment to education. This is the only way you will advance your business.
Varied viewpointsThe second part of keeping an open mind is …
Typefaces To Avoid When Creating Your Own Brand
There is an ever-increasing importance for everyone to have their own self-brand. What was once a concept used for business purposes only, has now become a new form of identity for the professional seeking jobs or clients.
Branding has a visual expression componentBranding puts a visual to a name, and establishes an idea of …
Do Your Social Properties Have Mobile Curb Appeal?
Last week, I covered the first impression you provide with your mobile interactions and etiquette (your exchange utilizing phone ad a mobile phone user or your engagement with contact via mobile phone. Today let’s focus on when people search you and find your social properties via a mobile phone.
Being smart with your mobile impressions…