Personal Branding Interview: Stephen R. Covey
This post originally appeared in my column.
Today, I spoke with Stephen R. Covey and we focused on his new book “The 3rd Alternative: Solving Life’s Most Difficult Problems,” which just came out today! Dr. Covey is the author of the worldwide bestseller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. First written in 1989, …
Shoot To Kill
Jason Padilla had less than one hour of sleep for an entire week. Along with the other harsh conditions and brutal physical training that are routine for hell week after hell week during Navy SEAL training, Padilla earned his trident in a graduating class of 20, a significant cut from the 223 US military candidates …
What City is Best for Your Business, Your Life?
I just finished reading Richard Florida’s “Who’s Your City?” It’s a cool book that takes a look at the impact of where you live on your professional and social opportunities. Florida conducted research to understand what places attract entrepreneurial minds, how they do it, and its affect on the regions these places inhabit.
He also …
Avoid Using Your Employer’s Name in Your Twitter Account
Using your employer’s name in your Twitter account can be a little problematic for you for a number of different reasons. Unless you’re using an employee-specific account, you’re going to have problems if you use your employer’s name as part of your personal brand.
Let’s say you work for Lamplighters Lighting Solutions and you launch …
Making Small Talk
The top three fatal errors you can make as a leader are:
Failing to leverage your market position Negotiating with irrational forces Not articulating your vision with vigorThis “don’t” checklist works for business, consumer and personal brands. The deadly dangerous part is this: you have to be right with all three rules if you …
Personal Branding Interview: Jason Keith
Today, I spoke to Jason Keith, who is the senior communications manager at Vistaprint and runs the small business blog at In this interview, Jason talks about how social media can waste a small businesses time, tips for companies who want to build a brand in this bad economy, and much more.
You say…Day of the Dead
The top three fatal mistakes you can make in marketing are:
Underrating your competition (and failing to create a competitive advantage) Misunderstanding what your target market (audience) will buy and why Failing to repeatedly deliver a crisp, clear, consistent and compelling messageThis “don’t” checklist works for business, consumer and personal brands. The deadly dangerous …
Personal Branding Interview: Daniel Goleman
Today, I spoke to Daniel Goleman, who is an internationally known psychologist that lectures frequently to professional groups, business audiences, and on college campuses. Goleman reported on the brain and behavioral sciences for The New York Times for many years. His 1995 book, Emotional Intelligence was on The New York Times bestseller list for a …
Follow the Bouncing Ball
If you’ve job hopped a lot, you’re in really good company. The average person changes jobs 11 times within 32 years, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Hence, your average tenure at one workplace will be slightly below three years, as reported by economist Chuck Pierret who has followed 10,000 workers since 1979.…
Watershed Moments: 5 Stories of Personal Re-Branding After September 11th
Where were you on September 11th, 2001? It’s rare that such a specific moment can be remembered by an entire population, but such is the case with that day. As we approach the 10 year anniversary (hard to believe, right?) of such a horrific experience, it’s important to reflect on how our society has evolved …