Author: Roger Parker

Roger C. Parker is an author, book coach, designer, consultant who works with authors, marketers, & business professionals to achieve success with brand-building writing & practical marketing strategy. He helps create successful marketing materials that look great & get results, and can turn any complex marketing or writing task into baby steps.
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Convert Your Personal Brand into Monthly Cash Flow

How can you convert your personal branding book into consistent monthly cash flow? Unfortunately, many authors fail to address monthly cash flow issues soon enough.

How and when does your personal branding book convert into cash?

Although writing a nonfiction book is generally accepted as the best way to create and promote your personal brand, …

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7 Ways to Make Sure Your Book Gets the Cover it Deserves

Every author should be involved with the front and back covers of their books. This is true whether you self-publish your book, or you’re working with a trade publisher.

Authors who fail to be involved with the content and design of the book’s front and rear covers are usually disappointed with the way their covers …

authors cornerCommunication & Networkingguest postLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

7 Book Title Ideas for Easy to Write Books

Writing a book to build your personal brand is much easier when you select a book title that helps you to plan and write.

The sooner you select a title that provides a easy-to-write approach, or structure, for your book, the sooner you’ll finish your book, so your book can start branding you as an …

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Why it Takes More than Information to Write a Brand-Building Book

It takes more than information to write a book that drives your business and builds your personal brand.

Information, by itself, is not enough to write a book that builds your personal brand!

No matter how much you already know about your field, or how much experience you’ve accumulated, writing a book requires more than …

Brand Yourself AsCommunication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingPositioningRelationships & Personal Growth

Are You Ready to be Interviewed for the First Time?

Getting ready to be interviewed should play an important role in your personal branding success.  As your online visibility and your personal brand grows, there’s an increased likelihood you’ll be contacted for media and other interviews.

Being prepared for last-minute interviews puts you in charge and helps you successfully communicate your personal branding message.

It’s …

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Tips for Saving Time while Building Your Personal Brand

Are you one of the many who use lack of time as a reason to put-off building a personal brand by writing provocative thought leadership articles, books, starting a podcast, frequently updating your blog, or submitting guest posts on other blogs?

If you don’t have the time now, when will you have the time?

Lack …

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6 Questions Your One Sheets Must Answer

One sheets must answer 6 important questions if want them to build your personal brand and successfully sell your speaking services to event planners and conference organizers.

One sheets, as I described in an earlier post, are single-page author marketing materials that authors use to build their brand, promote their books, and increase consulting, coaching, …

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Do Others View You As An Expert In Your Field?

Does your personal brand lead others to view you as an expert in your field? Expertise is the foundation of lasting and successful personal brands. Charisma and style may be great, but unless your personal brand accurately communicates your expertise, your career won’t achieve its full potential.

Perception equals reality; your expertise must be genuine …

authors cornerBrand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

How to Prepare a Mission Statement Before Writing Your Book

Before starting to write a nonfiction book to build your personal brand, take the time to write a mission statement for your book. The afternoon, or two, that you spend on your mission statement will ensure that you write the right book.

Don’t “jump the gun” at the beginning of a project and spend too …