Author: Oscar Del Santo

Oscar Del Santo is a Search Engine Marketing authorised consultant with SEMPO and an inbound marketing certified professional with ‘Inbound Marketing University’. He has been extensively featured in the Spanish and Latin American media (‘El País’, ‘El Economista’, ’20 minutos’, ‘Diario Sur’, ‘La Prensa Gráfica’, ‘Onda Murcia’,‘RTV Castilla y León’, ‘Canal NTN24’, …) and is a regular contributor to several TV and radio programs. He was recently awarded the #TwitawardSV for his participation in El Salvador’s Social Media Day and has been included in the ‘Top 70 Spanish Tweeters’ list.
Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryRelationships & Personal GrowthSuccess Story

Heroes of Personal Branding (iii): k.d. lang

The chances of a Canadian Tibetan Buddhist, adroginous-looking vegan and out-of-the-closet lesbian making it in the inner sanctum of country music of Nashville, Tennessee seem so remote as to defy belief. It takes the unflinching faith in her abilities, the total love for music and singing and the rare amount of self-confidence found in personal …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryRelationships & Personal GrowthSuccess Story

Personal Branding Heroes (i): Jean-Claude Van Damme

Many men and women have successfully built strong and durable personal brands that have catapulted them to success: but few have done so with more gritty determination and ‘fighting’ (forgive the pun) so many internal and external demons as the popular Belgium-born action movie star Jean-Claude Van Varenberg, better known by his artistic name of …

Brand Yourself AsMe 2.0Relationships & Personal Growth

Are you a 2.0 Egotist?

One of the harshest (and in my view, mostly unfair) criticisms hurled at personal branding is that – when taken to its fullest expression – it encourages and promotes self-centeredness, self-aggrandizement, narcissism and plain outright selfishness. Although anyone familiar with the brief yet intense history of personal branding models and philosophies in the XXI century …