Letter to an Unemployed Friend

Dear friend,

As I write these lines, I don’t know what your specific life circumstances or background are. I don’t know either how it is that you came to be unemployed, though in all likelihood it means that you are looking for your first job, that you were made redundant or that you voluntarily left your previous job in search of something better. Be it as it may, you may find yourself under sustained financial and psychological pressure and unable to live the life you deserve to live or contribute using your skills and talents as you would like. It is easy to lose heart in that predicament, especially as time seems to go by and the opportunities do not come thick and fast as you expected. Luckily, though, you are in the right place for encouragement, support and a myriad of tactics and techniques that will truly help if you give them the chance. Personal branding is one of your staunchest and surest allies to reach your goals. Put it to the test as many of us have done before and you will see for yourself.

The first thing you need to know is that the battle to get the job you want is first waged inside your mind, and definitely not in an HR desk the day of the job interview. Only when you are convinced of your professional value, of the suitability of your candidacy and the valuable contribution you are going to make will you irradiate an aura of inner confidence and self-assurance that will attract the opportunities and people you need to achieve your goals. As quantum physics and some of the latests advances in neuroscience are proving, our ideas and feelings are nothing but energy forms in motion that naturally tend to stick to energy along the same wavelength. If you cannot see beyond your current situation, you are wallowing in desperation and that is your energy signature, don’t expect to attract good opportunities: confidence generates confidence, as desperation does with desperation. This is why before anxiety sets in, you lower your standards and you become mentally ready to take on any job that comes along, I invite you to answer these two questions as honestly as you possibly can:

– In which job would you be able to make the greatest contribution given your experience, drive, skills and talents?

– What job would make you happiest and why?

You may be acquainted with the key branding concept of ‘brand loyalty’: that is the kind of identification you must have with your dream job, that job that will make you want to give the best of yourself. If you cannot get enthused and be passionate about your job, how will you enthuse your customers, your colleagues or for that matter any prospective employer? Moreover, our psyche does not allow us to remain dishonest with ourselves for long periods without exacting a very heavy price on us in terms of diminishing returns, failing performances and lack of drive. The twin devils of conformity and mediocrity are close friends and allies and often come together to wreak havoc on our dreams.

If you are truly committed to finding the job of your dreams you will not hesitate to take on other temporary jobs as stepping stones (internships and voluntary jobs may be recommendable in some circumstances) and you will certainly welcome every opportunity to hone and upgrade your skills and knowledge around your desired profession. Excellency is the ultimate goal and personal branding and the many useful tips that are offered here daily by my peers are part and parcel of that commitment to excellency that will sooner or later land you that job that will dramatically improve the quality of your life and your relationship with yourself and others.

I would like to end on a personal note, dear friend. Just like you, I once had to make the decision that I would not settle for less than what I believed was my destiny professionally speaking. In my case, that meant quitting a comfortable position with the opposition and incomprehension of my family at the time. More than a year went by until I was given the opportunity I knew I deserved. I have never looked back. I do trust and hope that things will be smoother for you, and that you will find much support among your loved ones and the inner conviction to keep trying and improving your candidacy until you become the irresistible choice for that job you seek. Personal branding will be of immense help in that quest and I challenge you know to give it a serious try now as one of the most helpful allies in your quest. Above all, never ever give up. It will all be worth it in the end.

You are never alone.




Oscar Del Santo is a lecturer, consultant, key speaker, blogger and populariser of online reputation and inbound marketing in Spain. He has been extensively featured in the Spanish and Latin American media and is included in the ‘Top Social Media Influencers’ and ‘Best Marketing Tweeters in Spanish’ lists @OscarDS. He is the author of ‘Reputacion Online para Tod@s’ and the co-author of ‘Marketing de Atraccion 2.0’.

Picture of Oscar Del Santo

Oscar Del Santo

Oscar Del Santo is a Search Engine Marketing authorised consultant with SEMPO and an inbound marketing certified professional with ‘Inbound Marketing University’. He has been extensively featured in the Spanish and Latin American media (‘El País’, ‘El Economista’, ’20 minutos’, ‘Diario Sur’, ‘La Prensa Gráfica’, ‘Onda Murcia’,‘RTV Castilla y León’, ‘Canal NTN24’, …) and is a regular contributor to several TV and radio programs. He was recently awarded the #TwitawardSV for his participation in El Salvador’s Social Media Day and has been included in the ‘Top 70 Spanish Tweeters’ list.


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