Author: Nance Rosen

Nance Rosen is the author of Speak Up! & Succeed. She speaks to business audiences around the world and is a resource for press, including print, broadcast and online journalists and bloggers covering social media and careers.
EducationLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthWorkplace Success

7 Ways to Innovate and Prove You’re Worthy

The terrible truth of work is that almost anyone can do anything. I don’t want to make you paranoid, but open up the UCLA Extension course catalog, a MOOC or watch a few “how-to” YouTube videos, and you get my drift. Education and skills are the easiest things to acquire.

Leaving out advanced neurosurgery, the …

Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingNetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

You, Steve Carell, Will Ferrell, and Seth Rogen?

“We made up all our lines,” Seth Rogen remembered of Apatow’s 2005 flick, “The 40-Year-Old-Virgin.” A lot of the stuff was just us talking to each other and trying to make each other laugh, knowing that we had the freedom to say whatever we wanted. It looks very natural, because we honestly didn’t know what …

Communication & NetworkingWorkplace Success

The #1 Relationship Problem That Stalls Your Career

All of us have experienced “relationship” problems. You might have a problem with your girlfriend or boyfriend, life partner, parent, sibling, business partner, best friend, roommate, boss, coworker or even a neighbor. Really, given the number of people in your life, especially when you add your FB fame or any other cyber group you’re in: …