Author: Chad Levitt

Chad Levitt is the author of the New Sales Economy blog, which focuses on how Sales 2.0 & Social Media can help you connect, create more opportunities and increase your business. Chad is also the featured Sales 2.0 blogger at Sales Gravy, the number one web portal for sales pros, the professional athletes of the business world. During the day, Chad is an inside sales associate with EMC Corp., the global leader in information infrastructure technology & solutions, in their award winning sales development program. Chad attended the University of Central Florida for his undergraduate degree and Nova Southeastern University for his MBA with a concentration in finance.
Relationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

Major Findings from the 2010 Social Media Marketing Industry Report

The awesome crew over at just released their 2o1o Social Media Marketing Industry Report. The 33 page report is geared to marketers and has some great info for anyone looking to create and grow their personal brand.

Here are some of the major findings from the survey:

Marketers are mostly new to social media:…
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personal brand lifecycle
Brand Yourself AsCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

The Personal Branding Content Lifecycle

Creating a credible and influential personal brand requires that you create remarkable content. Here is a flow chart that details the different stages of the personal branding content lifecycle. Use it to help you understand the different stages and how to use each stage more effectively as you create the brand called you.

Enhance Your…
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Brand Yourself AsCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

5 Personal Branding Tips to Help You Gate Jump

Why does personal branding accelerate your growth both personally and professionally? It is because when you create an influential and credible personal brand you are playing the game and giving yourself the opportunity to gate jump.

Here are 5 personal branding tips to help you gain lift:

1.) Identify and introduce yourself to 10 strong …

Corporate BrandingEmployer BrandingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

The Personal Branding Inflection Point

Have you ever wondered what the job marketplace will look like a few years from now? It is intriguing to think about because we have arrived at a huge inflection point in the marketplace for businesses,  entrepreneurs, careers, and jobs.

I like to think of inflection points as points in time when everything changes. Things …

Corporate BrandingEmployer BrandingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Personal Branding Tip: Stop Trying to Control Your Employees and Brand

Are you worried your corporate marketing department and lawyers are going to stop you from creating your personal brand? If you are, this post is for you and for the corporate control freaks fighting a fool’s battle.

The marketing department has lost control of the brand

When I write and talk about personal branding, quite …