Increase Your Possibility Pipeline
Job seekers, salespeople, and entrepreneurs will occasionally face the uncertainty of an uphill battle. Most often that skirmish takes place in the form of self-talk. Those astute in observing facial expressions and body language will spot the inferior self-confidence long before a conversation ever begins. It is the negative thought that will prevent one from …

How to Resolve Problems
Long ago, it was advised to create a working document whenever a serious issue arises. This advice applies to career related or personal circumstance that is in need of resolution.
Review Past ActionThe best way to proceed is to look back and examine how you handled past poor experiences to recognize where improvement should …

How to Detect A Leader Versus A Follower
A recent televised new interview with Mark Cuban was a delight to watch. In particular, Cuban’s facial expressions said it all!
Lack of Comprehension
There was a tremendous disconnect between him and the host regarding their varying viewpoints when it comes to doing business and accepting change. The host is old school and unwilling to …

Three Strategies to Improve Sales Success
Excitement always increases when we are about to meet with a prospective client. We imagine the best of all worlds coming together in one meeting. But many times reality arrives in the middle of a meeting when it seems that we are on a collision course with the other party. Knowing how to avoid similar …

Is Your Career On the Right Path Or Should Something Change?
As new projects or careers begin, fear sometimes gets in the way. In particular, after making a big decision regarding a career will have many soon wondering if they made the right choice. Restless nights are the norm when trying to predict how it will all work out. The philosophy of one day at …

How Do People Judge You?
Although we don’t like to admit it, we are continually judged by others. Consistency in words, actions, and deeds are essential. Word of mouth travels very rapidly online, and so it’s important that only admired verbiage speaks on your behalf. The way in which you become known or people define you is known as your …

4 Simple Ways to Project Authority
“Power” [noun] (1) The ability to do something or act in a certain way (2) The ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events
Power has a bad rep in the workplace. Too many terrible managers have made too many people associate authority with arrogance and autocracy. But, as …

Are You Consistently Perfect?
It is highly unlikely for anyone to be consistently perfect. And this is the number one reason we need to forgive errors of other people and equally important is to forgive ourselves. The improved approach is to learn from what went wrong to move past.
The Problem
Sometimes people provide angry responses toward others when …

Be Fearless to Find Collaborative Partners
There is a steep learning curve to be overcome when you are accustomed to competition and competing for prizes. Most people in business fall to the fear of others vying for the same clientele. The problem is conclusions are not always correct, and opportunities lost.
One example is of sales professionals who perform varying types …

Errors Lead to Success
It is the unknown learning curve that is found to be the toughest. Every time an attempt is made to undertake something new multiple other challenges arise. The question becomes do you have the grit to get past the many uphill battles?
Your particular answer resides within to distinguish you apart from everyone else. The …