Tag: success

eBrandMe 2.0Relationships & Personal GrowthSound Branding

It All Began With A Picture

There are no shortcuts to building a credible, durable and goal-oriented personal brand that delivers tangible results for your career and your life. As experts and those who have achieved remarkable professional and personal benefits remind us with the full authority of experience, before embarking onto any practical steps to develop our brands we must …

Relationships & Personal Growth

6 Secrets For ‘Six-Pack’ Abs And Successful Job-Hunting

Pick up any fashion magazine today and you’ll quickly notice that all the male (and even some of the female) models, in addition to being in obviously excellent physical condition, sport impressive “six-pack” abs—regardless of the product they are modeling, e.g., shirts, blue jeans, underwear, etc., and the manufacturers are trying to sell.

In the …

authors cornerCommunication & Networkingguest postRelationships & Personal GrowthSound Branding

Storytelling Tips For Personal Brand Building Success

Although there are a lot of books and blog posts describing the importance of storytelling as a personal brand building tool, there are a few that share a practical system for creating your own stories.


The exception is Raf Stevens’ No Story, No Fans: Build Your Business Through Stories that Resonate.

No Story, No Fans …