Tag: success

4 Ways to Align Your Business Systems for Improved Efficiency
Project Management

4 Ways to Align Your Business Systems for Improved Efficiency

On the surface, most business leaders recognize the benefits that can come from streamlining systems and processes. It saves time and money. Tasks seem to flow better, and the roadblocks that employees often encounter are suddenly removed. Collaboration and communication between staff members increase, and it’s easier to catch mistakes and stay on task.

In …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryCommunication & NetworkingEmployer BrandingRelationships & Personal Growth

Top Business Trends That Will Keep Rising In 2019

Spotting the business trends can be difficult for leaders and unfortunately, not all predictions may come true. However, some of these trends are so obvious that ignoring them would be same as signing your death warrant as a company. Below you can find some of the most obvious trends of 2019.

Personalization: In the past,…
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plan your career and find purpose
Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Ways to Find Your Purpose and Plan Your Career

Studies show that lifelong careers are not the norm anymore and statistics prove that an individual is expected to change careers three times during their professional lives.If you are not satisfied with your current career, below are four tips to help you find your career purpose and plan your career.

Find What Makes You Happy…
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Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthWorkplace Success

Track Your Progress Toward Your Bigger Goals

Achieving life goals need persistency and being completely focused. A life goal can be finishing up your degree, thesis, getting a professional certification or similar. However, be careful about not mixing up your day-to-day goals with your bigger personal goals. Crossing off items from your daily to-do list is a great motivator and a source …