Start Your Naughty List Now
How could it be coming on the end of the year? Where did this year go? Is that how you feel?
Are you looking back and thinking where did you go wrong?
Do you have a sense that this year could have been so much bigger for you?
If you are looking back with some …
Today’s Very Bad Rap On Millennials’ Reputation
Harvard University Institute of Politics reports that most Millennials will not bother to vote in the midterm elections. According to Fox News, Millennials are too busy “looking hot” or “depending on the government” to vote, and they should be discouraged from going to the polls to vote for their interests.
Millennials? Could this be true? …
Using the SDP Scale to Evaluate Yourself and Others
There are no simple tests to know when you will be successful at something. However, there are a few factors that can be applied to create what I call the SDP Scale that may help you get a better feel for what will likely lead to success.
The SDP ScaleIt’s simple in it’s elegance, …
Getting Your Foot in the Door: 3 Strategies to Break Into a New Career
Most working professionals have considered trying something different as a career. However, many are unable to successfully switch into a new career path because they lack key insight into the tactics that will get them noticed by hiring managers who can facilitate a significant career move.
Instead of going about their job search as they …
Networking just to Network does NOT make Sense
Why do you show up for social events? Peer pressure, because your boss or friend told you to, or just because there was an event. If you answered yes to any of these you may be doing it wrong.
Networking for the sake of networking does not make sense. Going to events is fine, but …
A Surprising Physical Secret Behind Intelligent Thinking
Tapping, typing and swiping give you instant access to all kinds of things you want. For example today on Buzzfeed, I tapped open a list of 37 ways to hack IKEA furniture so it looks a little less like IKEA furniture. I typed up a list on Workflowy, to organize the assets of a new …
You Can’t Control How Lucky You Are
You can’t control where you were born. You can’t control when you were born. You also can’t control what natural intelligence you are born with. However, there are some things you CAN control. You can control how hard you work.
You Can’t Control How Lucky You AreThere is a common line of thinking that …
Being Persuasive, Personable and Positive During the Interview Process
With the economy significantly improving, launching a successful job search has become slightly less labor intensive. Regardless, job seekers who are looking to execute a fruitful employment search in today’s corporate environment ought to become familiar with advanced interviewing, persuasion and positivity strategies. If used properly, these tactics yield a higher salary, heightened confidence and …
How To Value Yourself So Others Will, Too
Twice each year, I give a personal branding boot camp on campus at UCLA. The single hardest part of camp will be helping each participant appreciate themselves. Appreciating yourself is a weird concept for most people. We are used to talking about our strengths and weaknesses. We are comfortable talking about our hard and soft …
How To Handle The Unexpected Agony in Life
Death. Divorce. Moving. Illness. Losing a job. You probably know the list of things you might need to survive, because life inevitably changes and deals you losses along with the wins. Agony often accompanies loss, because your sense of yourself is shattered. Agony rushes in when you lose your sense of safety, stability, hopefulness, peace-of-mind, …