Personal Branding Pledge 2015
I agree to be me
I accept the obligations and honor of my authenticity
I agree that this year, perhaps unlike any other
I will not bother to be a shadow, a cipher or a ghost in my life
I will not hobble myself with the expectations of another
Even if I face a force …
Surprise! 90,000 Gifts for You!
Why would anyone want 90,000 gifts for Christmas or whatever your seasonal holiday is? Not even the greediest person would want 90,000 gifts, right? Not even the #1 person on Santa’s list, the nicest person who deserves the best of the season’s bounty wants 90,000 gifts. So where on earth is someone getting 90,000 gifts?…
What Affects Your Ability to Make Money
This quarter, our recruiting firm received upwards of 33,000 resumes from all levels of sales and marketing job seekers from around the U.S. Nearly every income bracket, education level and age is represented.
I’ve spent time wondering why is Sally making 35% more than Bob, even though Bob is just as good an employee. As …
Take the 2-Minute Express to Heaven or Hell
Inside of two minutes, you can provoke mindfulness, a meditative state, or anxiety. You do it simply focusing your thoughts. Most of us do anxiety, rage, irritation, frustration, disappointment, and fear pretty reliably. Maybe you have the land speed record on those.
The terrible truth is, what you believe is “natural,” is not. How you …
What Really Affects Your Ability to Make Money
Each quarter, our recruiting firm receives upwards of 33,000 resumes from all levels of sales and marketing job seekers from all over the U.S. Nearly every income bracket, education level and age is consistently represented.
Over the course of the past decade, I’ve spent time analyzing why some individuals can sustain on-going monetary success.
For …
Will Your Business Survive Over Time?
In January 2015, my business will turn 17 years old. That’s not a record. Many businesses have been around for over 100 years. But my business is web-based, and in Internet years, 17 is a long time. In fact, my website is older than Google.
Over those 17 years, I’ve had a lot of ups …
Have You Graduated…From Childhood?
If there were one question I wish I could ask prospective employees, it would be: Have you graduated from childhood yet? Then, I would hire the people who said yes and could prove they graduated from childhood.
It’s not that I don’t love children. I have one and love her more than life itself.
It’s …
Caution: Giving Thanks Can Be Self-Defeating
In the US, the upcoming national holiday is called Thanksgiving, which infers you should be thanking someone for something you valued. Thanks for what?
None of us are the original Pilgrims and very few of us are having dinner with Native Americans, who deserve a whole lot more than thanks. You may be sitting down …
The Mentality of a Successful Career
Success is all in your head. If you want to control your ability to have a lucrative, fulfilling career, it’s imperative to control the way you think.
Those who can’t control their emotions and inner monologue never reach their full potential.
The long-term solution to sub-par success, lack, and limitation lies in our ability to …
What Your Lack of Personal Intelligence Costs You
When people think about lowering their bills, a lot of small purchases become suspect. Your daily Starbucks habit, at $32 per gallon if you calculated it that way, is an easy mark. A lot of people cut the cable, start eating most meals at home and buy a space heater rather than warm up the …