Build Influence On High
We may learn much from today’s political scene. Newscasters and folks on Twitter are now tallying “Pinocchio” statements for those in the news. That is, counting the lies that spew forth is now in full force in addition to becoming a game. In the business world, no one lasts long when lies are detected.
Trust …

Do You Seriously Qualify Opportunities?
We have all seen experiences with others ‘go south.’ Sometimes an intuitive thought will tell us not to proceed, but we ignore it. After the fact, we regret having moved forward.
On occasion, it is simply the technology that fouls up the project. But other times, we do not appreciate the way in which others …

Why Design and Decor Matters in the Workplace
Office décor and design can have a big impact on your business because it affects employees’ morale, productivity and health. Therefore, office should be a place where all employees feel comfortable and want to come for work. With small and simple changes, you can make big differences in the design of your office and create …

Mind the Gap from FOMO to Overflow
One of the more popular buzz words of the last couple of years has been FOMO. It’s kind of run it’s course, but there is still a lingering effect of FOMO in some areas.
In case you missed it (pun intended) … FOMO is the Fear Of Missing Out
It’s that manic state where you …

How to Make Friends at Work
I previously emphasized the importance of having friends at work in my blog post “Why You Need to Have Friends at Work”. However, for introverts or for people who are not sure how to befriend a coworker, below are some tips.
Be Positive: People like positive energy. Say “Hello” or “Good Morning” when you walk…
Using The SSK Model to Be More Productive
How do you know when a project is succeeding?
What is your tool of choice when determining project status?
Here is a really simple tool to help you think about any project – whether it’s personal, for work, for community engagement, or anything else.
It’s not heavily scientific and that’s the beauty of it.
It’s …

Why Vacation is Important for Employees
Vacation is a must for everybody but unfortunately, many employees in the US do not use their vacation time. They fear that they will fall behind work or lose the chance of getting a promotion, if they take time off from work. However, believing you are the only person to do your job is not …

Benefits of Working Overseas
Have you ever considered living in another country? Do you know what to do if you are presented with such an opportunity? Moving to a different country is not easy because it requires you to get out of your comfort zone. However, it helps you to develop new skills and gain new experiences. Below you …

Using Five Before Ten Lists to Get Things Done
It’s all about Getting Things Done these days.
There are as many models for Getting Things Done (GTD) as there are stars in the sky. Well, maybe not that many, but close.
What’s your preferred method for Getting Things Done?
I’d like to share a model I am experimenting with now. It’s simple to say …

How to Detect A Leader Versus A Follower
A recent televised new interview with Mark Cuban was a delight to watch. In particular, Cuban’s facial expressions said it all!
Lack of Comprehension
There was a tremendous disconnect between him and the host regarding their varying viewpoints when it comes to doing business and accepting change. The host is old school and unwilling to …