Questions You Should Never Ask to Your Coworkers
We are spending at least 40 hours a week at work so we start to feel like home after a while and get more comfortable talking with our coworkers. Nevertheless different rules apply in professional life and although we see our coworkers more than our family, we should still be careful and never cross some …

Freedom to Stand Out in Your Career
As we come upon the Fourth of July there has never been a time that Freedom has never been more on top of peoples minds
If you live in the USA there are many days that freedom is taken for granted.
We have the freedom to:
Change jobs at will Move to a new city…
How to Make Your Employees More Creative at Work
In every type of job, there is always room for creativity and innovation. It is not only art or technology that needs to be creative and innovative. Even in accounting there are ways to be more creative. For example; you can make more creative presentations. For this reason, if you want your employees to be …

How to Prepare for a Conference
Attending a conference can be overwhelming or very productive. This totally depends on you. If you go there prepared and invest your time and energy, then you can get the most out of it. Below you can find tips to prepare for a conference and get the return of your commitment.
Learn the Schedule and…
Ask One Question to Help You Set Your Priorities
Warning: This will come across as harsh.
Being that this is the graduation season this might be the most critical nugget you (or someone you know) needs to put their career on the right path. By asking The One Question you may be able to set your career on the perfect trajectory. But, at what …

3 Drivers Supercharge Success
It’s a known fact that most businesses fade away within the first year. Reasons vary from not realizing upfront that being in business feels overwhelming and includes negative self-talk along with negative feedback from others. Overall, it is an ordeal to cope with the hassle of being in business.
On the other hand, employment is …

How to Manage Stress in the Workplace
Unfortunately in today’s world, everyone feels pressured and stressed out. There are so many challenging items in our plates with tough deadlines that it is inevitable not to get stressed. If work stress becomes chronic, it also harms your health. Therefore, in order to overcome work related stress, you can implement the below tips to …

Great Things can Happen When You Realize This
When you realize that you are …
Just an hour of someone’s day.
This might seem harsh. And, in a lot of senses it is.
But, the fact is … as you are scheduling your 24 hours of your day you should be cognizant and respectful that you are just an hour in someone else’s …

Use Pricing as a Strategy
Every business owner needs to weigh a new fee increase against current client loyalty, and the risk involved. Most everyone has experience with using a service for several years that suddenly requests fees well beyond what is considered reasonable.
A steep rate hike is the point of no return for most customers. Before making such …

Inspirational Songs for Entrepreneurs
Everybody can have tough days because being an entrepreneur is a long journey which is full of challenges and problems. Therefore, sometimes we need some motivation and listening to inspirational songs is a great way to motivate and energize ourselves. Below you can find some of them with their most inspirational lyrics.
I will Survive…