The Truth About Annoying Coworkers
This week I want to share with you an interesting infographic titled “The Truth about Annoying Coworkers”. This infographic has shared with me by the graduate school at Olivet Nazarene University. Most of us work at least 40 hours a week and this means that we see our coworkers more than we see our family. …

Improvisation Is The Thing
I recently moved and as part of this effort I’ve become painfully aware of a few things.
One — My tools are scattered.
Two — The places I used store “stuff” no longer exist.
Three — I need to create new shelves, workspaces, and mentally geocached locations.
Although this was not the first time I’ve …

Pay Attention
We’ve heard this since time immemorial.
From the time we were in kindergarten and first grade all the way through college and into our professional careers.
Pay Attention
One of my favorite movies is “Inside Man” where the main character Dalton Russell, played by Clive Owen, says something near the end of the movie.
He …

Why You Still Need Business Cards Infographic
Venngage, the infographic creator website, created a great infographic for my previous blog post “Why You Still Need Business Cards“. This week I wanted to share this infographic with all of you and again highlight the importance of having business cards for everybody.

Why Soft Skills are Important for Your Career
We are living in the tech world and it is obvious that everybody should have basic technical skills. Unfortunately, technical skills solely are not enough, if you want to move up the corporate ladder. You should also have great soft skills. Think of a manager who cannot explain what he wants from his team or …

Basic Tech Skills Every Employee Should Know
You don’t need to be a computer scientist in order to be tech literate. There are certain skills every employee regardless of their positions should know in order to use technology efficiently. Below you can find four of them. For some, these skills may seem natural but for others if they are lacking these skills …

No One Makes Time…
How many times have you heard …
Sorry, I just can’t find the time.
Or, something like that.
Guess What?
No one finds time. No one makes time.
You prioritize time.
Show me your calendar and I’ll tell you what you prioritize
This is an old adage that I believe becomes more and more true …

Are you a Body, a Brain or a Business Partner?
When you are looking for a job you should know which one you want to be. Perhaps you are all three. In fact, most of us are.
Perhaps you have been one or the other for much of your career. Think back to your first jobs … fast food, delivery services, retail store, etc. I’ve …

When the Grass Seems Greener
Life sometimes feels too stressful and serious. The pressure we put on ourselves, in addition to that of partners, management, and employers, will add considerable stress.
One good remedy is to call a good friend who understands the situation and can provide sound suggestions. With nearby friends, arrange to meet on occasion for lunch or …

If You Have Only One Week What Will You Do?
If one week is all you have left, what will you do? Many frequently forget to appreciate what is in front of them while time slips away. Too many disturbances get in the way having most people choosing to remain in their comfort zone.
Is there any reason you can’t do all of what you …