Build Your Brand By Building Your Team
How to create your own personal brand dream team and accelerate your professional growth.
Whether you’re a business professional or a business owner, having a solid team is imperative to building a strong brand. If there is one thing I would go back and tell my younger self, it is that constructing a solid team …
Five Reasons Your Mother Is Hurting Your Career
I realize I am treading on thin ice here, hoping to not get too much hate mail. After all, most people love their mothers and appreciate the many things their mothers did for them out of the goodness of their hearts. So, why would I pick on your mother? Because she may have given you …
Why Employers Look for Fit
Your first goal when looking for a job is to get an interview. You offer your candidacy by submitting your résumé. The challenge is that you’re in competition with a large number of very qualified applicants. If you’re lucky, your résumé gets you an interview. The decision to invite you for this coveted meeting was …
Increase Inner Strength to Achieve Outward Appeal
The problem most entrepreneurs have is they focus on their weaknesses instead of their strength. Through the years mental files have been collected focusing on shortcomings. It is this very file that holds one back.
The challenge is hereby on for you to turn Negative Comments into Gold!
Create a one-of-a-kind folder that documents all …

5 Steps to Improve Your Time Management Skills
Do you feel like your work never ends? Are you leaving the office late every day and/or working on weekends? Then, it seems that you need to improve your time management skills. If you want to be more efficient at work, implement the below steps to your workday.
1. Make a to-do list: When you …
Three Ridiculously Easy Tips to Defeat Perfectionism
If you are like most of us, you are doing more with less. Most businesses take pride in the ever increasing productivity of workers. Bosses often pile on too much work to too few people. Solo-entrepreneurs over-commit themselves. And, pretty much everyone is sleep-deprived, caffeine and sugar-high, or otherwise brain drained by the habits we …
Reach Out and Touch Someone
Physical touch is a communication tool few people take advantage of. It can help you bond and connect with people, not just communicate by dispensing data. Yes, you can touch strangers as well as colleagues at a business event if you do it with the right attitude and technique. Here are some tips on effective …
Corporate Idealist: An Interview with Christine Bader
Recently, I sat down with Christine Bader, author of the new book, The Evolution of a Corporate Idealist: When Girl Meets Oil. “Corporate Idealists” are an invisible army of people located inside the world’s biggest and most well-known organizations that push for safer and more culpable practices. As a corporate idealist at BP for nearly …
Personal Branding Weekly – Do You Sound Lame?
If you’re using the words “sorry” and “thanks”, then you run the high risk of sounding lame. These two words are thrown around so haphazardly and without any genuine feeling that they rank as having negative effects on your personal brand much like “umms”, “you knows” and “stuff like that”.
Are you guilty of using…What is a Platform?
This weekend I attended a book festival that offered a session on platform building for authors. The panelists launched into a discussion of the importance of platform to sell books, but it wasn’t until an audience member asked for the definition of platform that they actually attempted to explain what it was. The definitions varied …