Tag: self-promotion

Job SearchNetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Five Ways to Improve Your Career Networking Results

Networking is the #1 way people get new jobs and advance their careers. And yet, few people have been professionally trained in networking strategies and skills. I want you to become a more effective networker so you can improve you career and income!

If you read my last post, Five Ways Your Networking Is Hurting …

Career & WealthRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Personal Branding Weekly – Does Personal Branding Work for Introverts?

During a group coaching meeting, I was asked if personal branding works for an introvert?

The answer is yes.

Yes, you still need to discover what makes you unique.  Understanding your strengths and how you can communicate in a way that is uniquely you, is also a part of personal branding.

It’s important to reframe …

Relationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

How to Quit Your Job Without Burning Bridges

People leave their jobs for a variety of reasons. An opportunity more in line with career goals. Better pay. Shorter commute. But sometimes people leave because of difficult managers or colleagues,  feelings of not being valued or appreciated, or being passed over for raises and promotions. Regardless of the reasons for leaving a job, quitting …

Relationships & Personal GrowthWorkplace Success

How to Bully-Proof Yourself at Work

Bullying at work is an epidemic. You might have witnessed a bully intimidating or disturbing another employee. Perhaps you’ve been a target of bullying yourself. Across all sectors of business, industry, the professions and our military forces, bullying reduces productivity, and produces fear, demoralization, and escalating violence.

A common result of bullying is the removal …