Tag: Personal Branding

Sarcasm offers only two outcomes, and both are negative for relationships. This is not something you want in workplace communication.
Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingWorkplace Success

Countering the Damage of Sarcasm in Workplace Communication

At a specific time within my seminar on “The 7 Deadliest Communication Sins,” I take on the topic of sarcasm at work. Firstly, I ask two very important questions about audience members’ experience with regard to this specific issue as it impacts interpersonal communication and workplace communication.

These two questions are:

How many of you…
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Career & WealthLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Personal Branding Weekly – Your Insincere Brand

All business is personal and is built upon your relationships with individuals. People carry forth (or don’t) the mission of the brand in daily actions. A company’s brand is the mission in action put forth by a conglomeration of many personal brands.

I took the time to trace that relationship because so many brands are …

Skill Development

Why Influence Marketing is Essential for Personal Brands

Traditional brands and individuals in the blogging community connect with other influencers in their niche with services and rewards to create what is known as “influence marketing.” Over time the marketplace has become more transparent with online communities like Triberr, and Swerve. Google has also evolved with Google Plus, and it’s new search engine algorithm, …