Workplace Drama Structure Similar to Hollywood Drama Screenplay
A good friend of mine and former college roommate studied film and screen writing. He’s had a number of his screen plays picked up on option by hollywood producers over the years.
So, when I began investigating drama in the workplace I reached out to him to learn about how dramatic movies are structured. He …
Connecting with Recruiters – The Targeted Job Search
Connecting with recruiters is vital.
In this social media connected world, recruiters have become the mesh that holds things together. Connecting and cultivating relationships with recruiters and other HR professionals is critical.
Before you read on, this is the fourth in this series on the Targeted Job Search. If you have not read the previous …
5 Ways to Build Your Brand
Building your small business or personal brand is not something that can be done on a schedule – it takes constant work to maintain and grow. You likely already devote time to social media branding and other online initiatives, and study up before important interviews or client meetings. You may be surprised, though, at how …
What is a Platform?
This weekend I attended a book festival that offered a session on platform building for authors. The panelists launched into a discussion of the importance of platform to sell books, but it wasn’t until an audience member asked for the definition of platform that they actually attempted to explain what it was. The definitions varied …
Make The Most Of Your College Experience
Deal with your emotions first.
No matter where you go to college you can have a phenomenal experience and leverage your degree to get hired. Every college offers opportunities to broaden your knowledge base, expand your analytic abilities and gain real-world experiences through internships. Adopting a proactive, positive attitude towards learning, meeting new people and …
Choose Your Distractions, not The Other Way Around
In our daily lives one of the soft skills that needs to be learned is how to effectively deal with distractions.
Everyone has distractions:
Projects need to be completed Emails need to be answered Phone calls need to be returnedWhen you allow distractions to take over your day it’s kind of obvious that your …
10 Ways for Women to Lean In
In April 2013, I wrote a blog called Why Now Is a Great Time to Lean In. It was a month after Sheryl Sandberg’s game-changing book Lean In came out and now it is almost a year later. If you haven’t heard about it, quite a lot has happened in a mere 12 months.
I …
Present Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn for Job Searches
When it comes to presenting your personal brand to employers you might miss the opportunity to create a stellar LinkedIn profile. It’s not enough to just add your relevant information – it is critical to write an online profile that stands out in addition to showcasing your accomplishments and skills.
So what is the best …
Personal Brand Promotion on Facebook
Facebook is a great platform to promote your personal brand. As a platform that was generally built as a place to interact with friends and make new ones, it is great ground to display your personal brand. Over the years, changes to Facebook have made it possible to increase your reach through advertising and marketing …
How To Convince Others That You’re An Innovator
Innovation has been a buzz word for a while now – and it’s one of those hurdles you must surmount if you’re looking for a job. Employers want creative employees. Investors want to put their money behind creative people.
The National Association of Colleges and Employers found that employers overwhelmingly look for problem solving skills …