Personal Branding Weekly – Don’t Post My Pic
Often this is an afterthought after a great weekend, great night out or out of town conference. We know and have more than enough material available to us about the impact this has on your personal brand and some great practices to implement to prevent embarrassing or professional devastating occurrences in the future.
This time …
Staying In Touch
Last week I wrote about the importance of physical touch. To follow that you should figuratively stay in touch as well.
Whatever your connections are with people, it’s important to periodically touch base with them. It takes less than five minutes to reach out in the following ways:
• Phone and comment on research, an …
Build Your Referral Network – The Targeted Job Search
About 85% of all jobs are filled through employee referrals. Therefore, it makes sense to build a referral network at every company where you might like to work in the future.
Before you read on, this is the fourth in this series on the Targeted Job Search. If you have not read …
Perfect Your Recruiting in 5 “Little” Steps
After running a headhunting firm for more than a decade, I have learned two very important things: 1) recruiting quality talent is often more complex than most assume and 2) the words “too small” should never be in a recruiter’s vocabulary because it’s the little things that separate a headhunter’s ability to recruit the right …
What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Astronauts?
“It’s not like astronauts are braver than other people; we’re just meticulously prepared.”
– Astronaut Chris Hadfield, Canadian astronaut and commander of the International space station
Surprisingly, entrepreneurs may learn profound lessons from astronauts. Astronauts are trained to be expert pilots, but it is their tremendous courage, ability to perform while living on the edge, …
Become an Expert. Share Your Expertise
When it comes to building a brand, a great deal of emphasis is put on credibility. To be credible, you need to know what you’re talking about and doing, which means you should be an expert. But in a crowded global marketplace, many people tout themselves as experts, who may not in fact be experts, …
5 Tips to Create a Job That Doesn’t Exist Yet
For every job opening, there are three people who are unemployed. When it comes to finding your dream job, this isn’t the best news for job seekers. However, this does present an opportunity: to create a job that doesn’t exist yet.
Many job seekers are beginning to realize they can create their own opportunities. All …
Succeeding in a Results Only Work Environment
Could you survive and thrive in a ROWE? Where ROWE means Results Only Work Environment.
In the future you may not have a choice. It seems logical that everyone should be measured on their output, their commitments, their accomplishments… in a nutshell… on their work. However, in the real world companies have sprouted elements of …
Blog Promotion Tips for Personal Brands
You’ve written a great blog post for your brand and now would like to get the word out to a large audience. With so much information being published online, you might be puzzled as to what the most effective strategies are to promote it. There are some key things you can do to ensure your …
Personal Brands Fail When They Don’t Know Their Company
I’ll say it again: Recognition is not the same as appreciation. It really isn’t.
The focus in past years with employee recognition is on rewarding good performance. This could be in the form of verbal praise or tangible reward, and its purpose is to spur the employee’s actions to continue working at that high level. …