Make Sure You Understand the Company’s Personal Brand
Last week I wrote about the questions you will likely get asked in an interview. This week I’m suggesting the questions that you could and should be asking in the interview:
• What kind of person do you want for this position?
• What’s important about the person you hire?
• How many people have …
Personal Branding Weekly – Have You Zombified Your Personal Brand?
It’s not even been a month since the season finale of the television show, The Walking Dead, and I’m already missing it. If only that is what I was referring to in this headline, but it’s not. Last week I wrote about the Wacom customer service representative who was robotic and barely human as he …
Are You Your Authentic Self at Work?
Authentic Self?
To quote Dr. Phil
Are you living a life that is more in tune with your “authentic” self (who you were created to be) or your “fictional” self (who the world has told you to be)?
Gee, I never thought I would write a post where I would quote Dr. Phil!
Are you …
Why Shrinking Your Resume Can Hurt You
Have you ever visited a friend who regaled you with their 50-page wedding album or 30-minute DVD of a European vacation? Perhaps they had you crouch over their computer while linking to Facebook posts and images so they could enthuse over their latest accomplishment? How difficult is it to sit still as they narrate each …
Get Hired: Make Yourself Shine In Your Interview
Everyone wants to stand out in the crowd to get hired, but few people know what hiring managers are looking for and what it takes to shine in an interview. Hiring managers are looking for certain personality traits. If you have them great, if not you can learn them.
A recent Harvard …
Customer Service Beliefs that Can Hurt Your Business
Business owners understand that customer service is an important aspect of building repeat and referral business. But some beliefs and ideas around customer service may actually hurt business. Here are some common customer service beliefs you should rethink.
Customers only care about priceFew people want to pay more than they have too, but price …
Is Your Brand Attracting the Right Recruits through Social Media?
When it comes to recruiting for your personal brand we often think about utilizing an agency or checking to see what applications we have on file. But what about social recruiting online? There are several ways to use social media to attract the right employees for your niche.
It is not enough to just have …
Motivate Your Army With a Declaration of Independence
It was 239 years ago this past week when the first shots were fired at Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts that is historically recognized as the beginning of the American colonies’ war for independence.
Four hundred forty two days later the Second Continental Congress voted to accept the Declaration of Independence that set forth the …
The Realities of ROWE
There are pros and cons to working in a ROWE. Where ROWE means Results Only Work Environment.
One pro is… You know exactly what is expected. One con is… You know exactly what is expected.This is meant to be flippant in that it forces both the buyer and the seller of ROWE services to …
Personal Brands: Delivering on the Brand Promise
Being on the other end of the phone when dealing with customer service representatives, is either a curse or a blessing. It’s a coin toss. One that quickly became a curse when I had to speak to a Wacom customer service rep.
Many large company brands are striving hard for that “human engagement”. It’s evident …