Tag: Personal Branding

Career & WealthNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Promote and Profit with Education-Based Marketing

Consumers today are savvy when it comes to spending their money. No longer do they fall for traditional marketing tactics. Instead they are researching, getting referrals and vetting businesses before buying goods and services. But marketers can be savvy, too, by shifting their focus on sales and instead building trust and rapport through education-based marketing.…

Career & WealthRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Small Business Owners: Is Your Personal Brand Suffering?

Everyone read email today.

By the time this post publishes, not everyone will have posted on Facebook, or even tweeted, added to your Snapchat story, pinner something or not had any time to put anything on Instagram – yet today.

Yet, we’ve all read email. In fact, most have read it four times already today. …

NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill Development

The Three Most Awesome and Horrible People on Social Media

Not all social media users are created equal. While some people attract desired social media connections in droves, others repel even before a contact accepts a connection/friend request.

Three Most Awesome People on Social Media

The Entertainer

The Entertainer consistently puts a smile of the face of her connections and followers. Her posts may or …


Networking Tips

Networking is meeting and sharing information with individuals and groups of people in your field of interest. For example, if you are looking for a job, these people include potential employers, recruiters, head hunters and HR agencies.

Networking is very easy to do if you do it right. You can network pretty much anywhere and …